Rascal #2 always has problems with her digestive system and tummy. From young, she is a very constipated child. She throws up very easily too when she was an infant right up to 3 years old. At one time, she would puke at 12 midnight every other night. I thought it was really spooky and jinx! But she outgrew this problem when she was about 3.5 years old, after Baby C was born.
The other day, she complained that her tummy was painful. I thought it was just one of her excuses when it came to drinking milk or eating dinner. It was on a Sunday and we were rushing to go to church. After about 2 hours lying on the couch, she threw up. We brought her to the doctor’s when her temperature shot up to 38 degrees Celsius. She was also given the enema as she could not poo poo for 2 days.
For the rest of the day, she was very weak. She threw up each time she ate or drank anything, including plain water. She was so weak that she complained that her legs hurt and she almost fell when she came off the adult potty in the bathroom. That was the 2nd time this year that she had this problem. I suspect that there’s a lot of wind in her tummy.
My sick kitten lying listlessly on the couch. She hardly ever feels weak or tired as she is always bursting with energy.
The following day, she rested at home and skipped school. I did not feed her with the meds that the doctor prescribed and she recovered on her own.