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3 Family Fun Ideas After Dark

Just because the sun goes down, it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy spending time with your family outside. It might even be the ideal time because you don’t have to worry about heat exhaustion, dehydration or sunburns. If you can’t think of any ideas, here are a few to get started.

1. Stargaze

Almost nothing will make you feel as small as looking at the stars. You can take in around 2,000 on an evening where there are no clouds or moon. For the best results, get as far out of town as you can. Light pollution can really interfere with the experience, so it is a good idea to locate the darkest areas possible on a specialized map.

Scenic Photo Of Starry Night Sky

Take a telescope if you have access to one, but don’t feel compelled to buy one if you aren’t going to do this hobby frequently. There are apps on your smartphone that can actually tell you what constellations you are looking at. The most common ones include both Dippers, Gemini and Orion.

You can go the extra mile by turning the event into a picnic. Be sure to bring drinks and snacks such as cookies Schaumburg so you won’t go hungry or thirsty.

2. Play Games

Adults often think they are too old to play games, but that is not true. Here are some games to consider:

Check your batteries in your handheld devices so everyone can see.

3. Have a Bonfire

If you have a fire pit or other place you can safely hold flames, you should consider lighting it up sometimes. Feel free to break out the acoustic guitar if you have the skills. If your kids are old enough, you can tell spooky stories. The best way to do this is to make sure everyone feels as if they are immersed in the experience. Also, keep a fire extinguisher on hand for emergencies.

Bonding with your kinfolk is one of life’s greatest pleasures, especially when it is combined with the fresh air of the great outdoors. Cherish every moment you can.

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Postpartum Shapewear

Motherhood is a bitter sweet journey. It changes you inside and out.  After giving birth, your body goes through massive changes from the shape of your breasts and body to your clothing size, your skin texture (you’ll notice unsightly stretch marks on your midsection, hips and butt), hip width and for some women, even their fingers expand to the extent that they can no longer wear their wedding ring.

As you adapt your new life with a baby, it may feel overwhelming with the lack of time you have for yourself, your spouse and other kids and the lack of sleep. Some women even battle with postpartum blues.  To top it all, you may have postpartum pain and backache.

To help manage pain, many new mothers wear a postpartum wrap or postpartum abdominal band waist trimmer.


Postpartum wraps have been worn by women all over the world for ages after child birth.  Benefits of wearing postpartum wraps are:

1.  As light body support after child birth. When tissues and organs start to go back into place, a belly wrap can help you feel better.

2.  Light compression from postpartum wraps can support your natural transverse abdominal muscle when you can’t contract yet.

3.  Provide support for your core and pelvic floor. While postpartum wraps compress, it’s gentle and targeted to hold your ligaments and muscles in place and speed recovery after childbirth.

4.   Some women experience back pain after childbirth. Wearing a postpartum wrap help with abdominal support and alleviate back pain.

5.   They assist with spinal alignment encouraging the organs, uterus and muscles to get back into normalcy after childbirth.

6.  They help to improve body image and posture.

A medical study from 2012 showed that wearing postpartum girdles can help women safely strengthen their core over time, especially when used in combination with physical therapy.

Postpartum wraps and other shapewear that help to enhance bodily feature can be easily sourced from online apparel stores or specialized waist trainer wholesale shops.

If you decide to try wearing a postpartum wrap, make sure it’s not too tight.  This is because extra compression puts more pressure on your pelvic floor, which is especially weak after childbirth and also holds a lot of weight during pregnancy.  If you have incontinence, leaking or vaginal prolapse, be cautious about using these belly wraps.

Remember that the best way to help your body recover after birth is to rest as much as you can, eat only wholesome and nourishing food, drink enough clear fluids and have a positive mindset.


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Fibroids Diet

I had a fibroid removed from my uterus four years ago via a laparoscopic myomectomy surgery. During a routine yearly ultrasound scan of my uterus recently, my gynae detected a small fibroid in my uterus, measuring about 1.2 cm.  I couldn’t believe my luck! I admit that I haven’t been eating as healthily as I should have been throughout the time we were quarantined at home when the movement control order was imposed in March last year. The stress of being cooped up at home and other life’s stressors must have contributed to the growth of another fibroid. It could also be caused by the overproduction of estrogen.  One of the ways to prevent the growth of fibroid is to reduce estrogen in the body but we may be unknowingly receiving estrogen from the foods we eat. Fruits and vegetables sprayed with pesticides and animals fed with antibiotics and growth hormones have been known to be hormone-disrupting in humans.

Foods that have zero or low in estrogen as well as those that support the liver should be consumed to prevent further growth of the fibroid.  If you could afford it, organic fruits, vegetables and meat are a better option.

While you cannot totally prevent fibroids, your doctor may suggest modifying your diet, which might help slow fibroid growth or ease fibroid symptoms. Foods to eat if you’ve been diagnosed with fibroids include:

1. Cruciferous vegetables help the liver detox. Broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, kale, turnips, watercress, radish and arugula are all great choices. Avoid overcooking these vegetables so that they retain most of their nutrients.
2.  Foods to help detoxify your body are also recommended. Garlic, carrots, beets and drinking plenty of water will help with detoxification.
3.  Potassium-rich foods such as avocado, tomatoes and bananas
4.  Foods that contain carotenes should be added to your diet for fibroids. Apricots, sweet potato, cantaloupe, carrots, pumpkin and spinach are all sufficient sources.
5.  Eat foods containing vitamin E, like almonds, wheat germ, hazelnuts and cod liver oil.
6. Natural anti-inflammatory foods can help as well. Pineapple and fresh rosemary have been shown to help decrease inflammation.
7. An antioxidant called polyphenol, which is found in green tea, can help to counteract the effects of estrogen.
8. Consider taking a multivitamin every day. Look for one that has 100% daily value for vitamins: B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B12 and B6. Vitamins C, D, E and folic acid should also be included, as well as a max of 15,000 IUs of beta-carotene (vitamin A).

Avoid these foods, which may lead to weight gain and fibroid growth:
1. Soy products have been shown to increase estrogen levels, so cut these out from your diet.
2. High-sugar foods like fruit juice, soda, candies.
3. Highly processed foods like white bread or energy bars
4. Phytoestrogens that mimic estrogen in the body, such as alcohol, red meat and chocolate
5. Avoid storing food in plastic containers. Studies have shown that plastic can leech into the food from the containers, which will influence estrogen levels in your body when consumed.

Living with fibroids can be uncomfortable and painful. You may even be anaemic as a result of heavy menstruation. While you are advised to go easy on red meat, you however need the iron to treat anaemia. I am anaemic and I take Sangobion to replenish iron stores and increase red blood cell levels in my body.

Doing everything you can at home to benefit your body in the fight against fibroids can help improve your biological system and decrease the symptoms of fibroids that you experience. Make sure to speak with you doctor about managing your fibroids and about any drastic dietary changes. Adding and eliminating certain foods to help regulate levels of estrogen in your body may assist in managing fibroids until you are able to undergo a permanent solution.

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3 Reasons Why You Should Treat Yourself To Laser Hair Removal

Do you hate putting on a bathing suit because facing those red bumps and awkward razer rash is too much to bear? Do you prefer the winter when donning a pair of pants hides your weeklong hair growth? Keeping leg and bikini hair at bay is a frustrating and tedious process, with waxing and razers consuming much of your shower time. If you’re ready to say farewell to undesirable prickles, start looking into laser hair removal Baltimore. The procedure offers the following three benefits.

1. Reduce Time

Typical efforts to keep up with hairless legs are a feat, consuming perhaps 10 to 15 minutes each week. Your nightly endeavor could be foiled by hairs that haven’t sprouted or by weak cuts that don’t cut deep enough. Within a few days, you are likely completing touch-ups.

With laser treatment, a specialized technician applies a light laser over your skin, essentially killing off the hair cells. This process drastically diminishes the chances of regrowth. Eventually, though, your evening shower time could be cut down dramatically.

2. Eliminate Monthly Costs

Do you shave on a raw skin? Nope. That sounds extremely painful. Most people stock up on products that alleviate the pain and irritation of the chore. That means splurging on creams and gels that assist in getting a close cut and reducing bumps and redness. Without fuzz and prickles, these items are no longer needed, saving you from adding them to a monthly budget.

 3. Boost Your Self-Esteem

Looking good may impact what you choose to do. Avoid swimsuit anxiety. You may turn down pool time or avoid shorts, selecting yoga pants or jeans even in the hottest  weather. Laser removal avoids the last-minute shave, so your personal zones might look their best, and you can get out and play.  Laser hair removal gets to the root of the issue. With hair gone, you cut down on your prep time and can feel good walking out in your swimwear.

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Ring Worm On Waist and Tiny Red Sun Spots On Skin

I discovered a very tiny dark red mole on my left upper thigh circa 23 March 2021.  It was about 2-3mm in diameter.  I didn’t give it much thought initially but several days later, it bothered me.  My first thought was whether it’s a sign of skin cancer or melanoma. I’ve been exposed to the hot morning sun between the time of 10 – 11 a.m. on most days for the past one year.  This was when our country was in a lockdown and I spent most of my mornings brisk walking and jogging within the compound of our apartment.

Around the same time, there were itchy ring-worm like and inflamed rashes on both sides of my waist. I was certain that the ring worm was caused by tight and sweaty pants.  I knew that it was caused by not removing my tight and sweaty pants immediately after a workout. Instead, I went about with my chores and only showered a couple of hours later.

Whenever I’m faced with any kind of skin issues, my first go-to product is tea tree oil from Melaleuca.  I dutifully applied tea tree oil neat on the red mole and ring-worm rash on my waist at least thrice a day.

The red mole was first discovered circa 23 March 2021 (bottom photos).
After application of tea tree oil, the red mole started to fade. The top two photos were taken on 30 March 2021 and 1 April 2021 respectively.
The mole was almost completely faded circa 1 April 2021.  It was completely gone on 5 April 2021.

Ring worm on my waist:

Itchy and inflamed ring worm rash on 21 March 2021. It got so itchy that I scratched the skin till it broke and got inflamed.

After application of tree tree oil (neat) and organic arrowroot powder three times a day, the itch from the rash mellowed down significantly (bottom photo).

About a week later, the ring worm rash wasn’t red nor cause itchiness anymore.

Method for treating ring worm at home: 

1.  Clean skin and dab it dry.

2. Apply tree tea oil (or Melaleuca oil) neat on the skin, followed by a generous layer of organic arrowroot powder,

3. Repeat 3 times a day or more until itch and inflammation subside.

It has been scientifically proven that tea tree oil and arrowroot powder can inhibit the growth of yeast-fungi and aerobic bacteria.

Tea tree essential oil is a well-researched essential oil best known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Some people claim that applying tea tree oil several times a day for a period will cause the mole to disappear.  It worked on me and if you have a mole that just popped out all of a sudden, you may want to try applying tea tree oil on the mole to fade it.

Take care when using tea tree oil as it is potent and toxic if swallowed.  Always consult a doctor or skin specialist if you are worried of the sudden appearance of a mole or rash on your skin.


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Benefits of Having Pets

I’ve always known that having a pet at home brings joy and laughter. Pets cheer you up when you’re down. They welcome you with wagging tails and a welcome purr when you come home after a long and stressful day.  After my pet dog died 23 years ago, I haven’t had the time to have another pet, although in recent years I’ve toyed with the idea of keeping a pet dog in our condo home as I love dogs.  However, I know that it’s not going to be easy as it’s against our condo house rules to have large and noisy pets, our space is extremely limited and I do not have the time to add another ‘baby’ to my already stressful and hectic life.

During the past one year of MCO (Movement Control Order) due to the Covid-19 pandemic, life for me has been nothing short of depressing and at times feeling helpless contributed by a myriad of factors. I’ve prayed for some joy and laughter back into our lives. One day, a mother cat gave birth to a litter of 6 kittens at the doorstep of my husband’s office.  When I saw the kittens for the first time, my heart melted, especially at the sight of a tri-colored coat kitten.   I’ve never been a cat lover, yet I don’t despise them.   When my husband (who’s also not a cat lover) suggested adopting one of the stray kittens, I was strongly against his idea. I told him that it would never work due to the reasons stated above.  However, as fate would have it, Haru (the tri-colored coat kitten) ended up in our homes when she was 6 weeks old.  None of us in the family had any experience in handling cats or was prepared to care for one.  My two younger daughters were delighted as it has always been their wishes to have a pet at home.  We googled for help on how to care for a baby kitten and asked friends for advice.  Haru is now almost 3 months and she has brought a lot of joy and laughter into our homes.

I think God answered my prayers of wanting joy and laughter and He sent a kitten into our lives ?.

There are many health benefits of owning a pet.  Studies have shown that the bond between people and their pets can increase fitness, lower stress, and bring happiness to their owners. Some of the health benefits of having a pet include:

  1. Decreased blood pressure
  2. Decreased cholesterol levels
  3. Decreased triglyceride levels
  4. Decreased feelings of loneliness
  5. Reduced stress levels and depression
  6. Increased opportunities for exercise and outdoor activities
  7. Increased opportunities for socialization
  8. Better bonding within siblings and between parents and children
  9. Improved behavior in children
  10. Increased responsibility in children
  11. Help children with their emotional and social skills.
  12. Source of comfort and support (in the case of therapy dogs and guide dogs)
    and much more.

Nothing compares to the joy of coming home to a loyal companion. The unconditional love of a pet can do more than keep you company. The advantages that pets bring to your life are just another reason to love them as much as you already do!

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The Relationship Between Sunlight, Cholesterol and Coronary Heart Disease

If lowering cholesterol was as simple as soaking in some sunshine everyday and absorbing vitamin D, everyone would do it. So, what’s the link between the “sunshine vitamin” and cholesterol?

When our skin is exposed to sunlight, it makes vitamin D. One theory is that because cholesterol is used in vitamin D synthesis, levels of cholesterol will reduce as more vitamin D is made.  One study showed that doing outdoor activities such as gardening in the summer did indeed reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. This did not occur during winter.

Sunlight exposure reduces cholesterol.

According to a study conducted by The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), deficiency of sunlight and thus, lack of vitamin D is a factor that might influence susceptibility and disease incidence.  Sunlight deficiency could increase blood cholesterol by allowing squalene metabolism to progress to cholesterol synthesis rather than to vitamin D synthesis as would occur with greater amounts of sunlight exposure, and the increased concentration of blood cholesterol during the winter months, confirmed in this study, may well be due to reduced sunlight exposure.

In another study – Seoul National University College of Medicine conducted a study on cholesterol levels with 4,124 healthy men and women, who were divided into 4 groups according to their vitamin D levels.

The findings? The group with the highest vitamin D levels had 26% less people whose cholesterol level was over 200mL than the group with the lowest vitamin D. This lead to the conclusion that people with higher vitamin D levels have lower cholesterol levels.
Vitamin D is also known as the ‘Sunshine Vitamin’ because they are created by the cholesterol in our body when we are exposed to sunlight. The more vitamin D we make, the more cholesterol we use up, therefore lowering cholesterol levels!

So make sure to get some morning sun today and don’t shun away from it anymore!




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Sesame Seed Health Benefits

Sesame is a crop that is grown for the oil in its seed. It is found in tropical and subtropical areas of Asia, Africa, and South America. Compared to similar crops such as peanuts, soybean, and rapeseed, the seeds of sesame are believed to have the most oil. Sesame seeds are also rich sources of protein, vitamins, and antioxidants.  They are nutty and fragrant seed variants.  When lightly toasted, they add a lovely crunch and flavor to many Asian and Middle Eastern dishes.

Sesame seed oil is commonly used in the cooking of postpartum food for Asian women in confinement after child birth as sesame seed oil is known for its warming properties.  I consumed more than 5 large bottles of sesame seed oil after each child birth. Every dish that was cooked had sesame seed oil and ginger in  it and I really enjoyed all my confinement dishes.

These tiny seeds are chock-full of goodness. Consuming sesame seeds can help in the following ways:

1)  Lower Your Cholesterol

Sesame seeds contain lignans and phytosterols, which are plant compounds that can help lower cholesterol. Phytosterols are also believed to enhance your immune response and decrease your risk of certain cancers.

Researchers found that out of all the nuts and seeds commonly eaten in the United States, sesame seeds had the highest total phytosterol content with 400 to 413 milligrams per 100 grams.

2) Fight Infections

The sesamin and sesamolin in sesame seeds are known for their antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Antioxidants are important to your health because they protect your body against various diseases by slowing down damage to cells.

The antibacterial activity of sesame seeds is proven to fight against staph infections and strep throat as well as common skin fungi, such as athlete’s foot.

3) May Lower Cholesterol and Triglycerides
Some studies suggest that regularly eating sesame seeds may help decrease high cholesterol and triglycerides — which are risk factors for heart disease. This is because sesame seeds contain two types of plant compounds — lignans and phytosterols — that may also have cholesterol-lowering effects.

4)  Nutritious Source of Plant Protein
Sesame seeds supply 5 grams of protein per 3-tablespoon (30-gram) serving.  To maximize protein availability, opt for hulled, roasted sesame seeds. The hulling and roasting processes reduce oxalates and phytates — compounds that hamper your digestion and absorption of protein.

5)  May Support Healthy Bones
Sesame seeds — both unhulled and hulled — are rich in several nutrients that boost bone health, though the calcium is mainly in the hull.

6)  Rich in Antioxidants
Animal and human studies suggest that consuming sesame seeds may increase the overall amount of antioxidant activity in your blood.  The lignans in sesame seeds function as antioxidants, which help fight oxidative stress — a chemical reaction that may damage your cells and increase your risk of many chronic diseases.  Additionally, sesame seeds contain a form of vitamin E called gamma-tocopherol, an antioxidant that may be especially protective against heart disease.

7)  Hair Health
Sesame seeds are rich in plant polyphenols, which help promote hair health.  In some cultures, sesame seed oil is massaged into the scalp to reduce premature greying and boost hair growth because of the presence of vitamins and minerals. The amino acids and antioxidants in this oil help return the shine in dull hair.

8)  High in Fiber
Sesame seeds are packed with a good amount of fiber, an important element in healthy digestion. It can reduce conditions like constipation and diarrhea, while simultaneously protecting the health of your colon and reducing the risk of gastrointestinal diseases. Fiber is also beneficial for your heart, by scraping out dangerous LDL cholesterol from arteries and blood vessels, thereby acting as a protecting agent against atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.

9) Increases Fertility in Men
Sesame seeds, when added to the diet of men, improves sperm quality and increases male fertility. A 2013 study published in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences showed that 25 infertile men, aged between 27 and 40 years, were given sesame seeds for three months.  They showed a significant improvement in their sperm count and motility.

10) Reduces Inflammation
The high content of copper in sesame seeds helps in reducing inflammation in joints, bones, and muscles, thereby contributing to preventing the associated pain of arthritis.

Different Ways To Eat Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds are very versatile and can be consumed in the following ways:

  1. Mixed into dough when making bread, cookies or cake.
  2. Sprinkled as a topping on rice, sushi, salads or dishes.
  3. Ground into thin paste-like tahini and spread on bread, added to yoghurt and other desserts.
  4. Blended into a powder and mixed with various smoothies or drank as a beverage.
  5. Sesame oil is also very popular and potent for natural health remedies, ranging from topical applications on the body to using the oil as an anti-inflammatory substance.
  6. Sesame biscuits or candies
  7. Black sesame sweet soup dessert

Sesame seeds are inexpensive yet bursting with nutrients and health benefits. They are full of flavors and are very versatile. Sesame seeds are an essential item in the kitchen.

Note: Sesame seeds are not nuts, although many people treat them that way. The reason for this is the presence of similar allergenic chemicals and proteins, which are also found in nuts. Therefore, if you are allergic to some types of nuts, it would be wise to speak to your doctor about sesame seeds before consuming.

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8 Ways To Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss may be a natural part of life, but it isn’t one that anyone wants to experience. Here are eight ways to prevent balding.

1. Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is generally thought of as a hair restoration Westchester County NY technique, but it can also extend the life of your hair. The energy from the laser can stimulate growth and improve the overall health of your hair, helping it last longer.

2. Diet

A balanced diet and healthy weight can help prevent balding. Eating sufficient amounts of protein and amino acids will keep your follicles healthy, allowing them to continue working longer.

3. Clean Hair

Regularly washing hair keeps the scalp clean and free of debris that can clog follicles, hindering growth. The massaging motion of washing also increases blood flow to the follicles, keeping them healthy.

Hair Loss Treatment Yonkers, NY

4. Preventing Damage

Hairs that has been damaged from chemicals and styling are brittle and likely to break or fall out. Avoiding damage and repairing hair with products such as coconut oil can strengthen it and keep it from shedding.

5. Essential Oils

Lavender, cedarwood, peppermint, lemongrass and rosemary may stimulate growth when applied to the scalp prior to washing.

6. Yoga

Yoga has been shown to reduce hair loss for several reasons. It reduces stress and improves overall health, and some positions increase blood flow to the scalp.

7. Onion Juice

Putting onion juice on the scalp before showering can result in regrowth. This is likely due to the high amount of sulfur in onion juice.

8. Biotin

The body requires biotin for fatty acid synthesis. Not consuming enough biotin has been linked to balding.

Hair loss can be prevented if you act early to keep your hair and follicles healthy. Laser therapy, a healthy diet, regular cleaning, preventing damage, using essential oils, doing yoga, applying onion juice and taking biotin are all ways to keep your hair looking thick and healthy.

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Thinking About Visiting a Rock Climbing Gym?

There is not a season that goes by that people do not think about getting back into shape. During the winter months, going to the gym can seem like an impossible time to run or do a cardio workout. And do not forget how boring and routine the gym can become. If you are looking for a great way to get back into shape and have fun doing it, then you will want to visit your climbing gym Denver.

A climbing gym is a great way to get in shape. You will find that there are muscle groups that you never knew existed on your body. Here are some benefits to help motivate you to get back into shape today.

In fact, the more hits and blows that it takes from running or jogging only means knee issues and lower back issues down the road. Rock climbing takes your body and stretches it in ways that are considered low impact. You will find your muscles getting strong the more you engage in climbing the wall.

You will also find your flexibility will greatly improve. It only takes about two weeks for you to start to fall out of shape and to start losing flexibility. When this happens other parts of your body will start to ache because of the lack of support from the unworked areas.

Believe it or not, your lungs can also get out of shape. You can notice this when you walk up a flight of stairs and you find it hard to breathe. Or you dive into the pool and it is hard to hold your breath. You will strengthen your lungs the more you engage in rock climbing.

Rock climbing can also help with certain kinds of diseases that are directly related to exercise. You will also find that stress can be reduced, and anxiety becomes a thing of the past as you learn to relax and put yourself in a position to excel at what you love to do.

And then there is the issue of coordination. Most people have to look at things before they move their hands or feet, but with rock climbing, you will learn to trust where your hands and feet are placed.

In order to find out more about rock climbing simply visit your climbing gym today. You will experience all of the benefits listed above and so many more as you engage in this wonderful sport.

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