Jackfruit Seeds Health Benefits

Jackfruit is a delicious fruit that is sweet and aromatic. It is rich in vitamin A, C and one of the few fruits that’s high in B vitamins.  Jackfruit also contains folate, niacin, riboflavin, potassium, and magnesium. As jackfruit is high in carotenoids (vitamin A), eating jackfruit regularly may help prevent diseases like cancer, heart disease and eye disorders like cataract and macular degeneration.

Chempedak, A Type Of Jackfruit on old wooden

Most of us would discard the seeds when we eat the flesh of jackfruit.  Did you know that the seeds of jackfruit contain nutrients too? The next time you eat jackfruit, keep the seeds and boil them for a delicious snack. Although jackfruit seeds are encased in hard shells, you can roast, boil or steam this part of the jackfruit and enjoy them too.

Boiled jackfruits seeds – remove the outer crust of the seed to enjoy the flesh of the seed. It has a similar taste and texture to chestnuts.

Jackfruit seeds are primarily made of starch, but also contain essential vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants. Jackfruit seeds are even richer in certain nutrients compared to jackfruit flesh.  The seeds have more protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, thiamin and riboflavin compared to jackfruit flesh.

Jackfruit seeds also contain a range of beneficial bioactive compounds like lignans, isoflavones, saponins and other antioxidants. Every 100 grams of jackfruit seeds also contains small amounts (4 percent of the DV or less) of calcium and vitamin A.

Health Benefits of Jackfruit Seeds

1.  Resistant Starch 
Foods high in resistant starch like the ones found in jackfruit seeds are beneficial to your guts. This is because the good bacteria that live in your gastrointestinal tract can ferment these starches in your large intestine. When resistant starches are fermented, they produce short-chain fatty acids. These short-chain fatty acids can help stimulate blood flow in your colon and reduce the risk of colon cancer.

A healthy gut microbiome isn’t just good for your stomach, intestines and colon; your gut is directly connected to your brain via a cranial nerve known as the vagus nerve. When you consume foods with resistant starches, this can help improve the function of your immune system and prevent diseases that affect your central nervous system too.

2.  Prevents Anaemia
Jackfruit seeds are rich in iron thus eating them regularly can treat and prevent anaemia and other blood disorders. It boosts immunity, increases the production of red blood cells and thwarts off diseases.

3.  Boosts Vision
Being a powerhouse of healthful nutrients like Vitamin A, jackfruit seeds may help in improving vision. Regular consumption of boiled jackfruit seeds or seed powder prevents eye diseases like night blindness and xeropthalmia.

4.  Enhance Sexual Pleasure
Some sources state that the iron in the seeds can stimulate sexual pleasure. In fact, jackfruit seeds have been used in traditional Asian medicine to treat sexual disorders. The seeds can be roasted like chestnut and are considered an aphrodisiac by some experts!

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How Emotions Affect Period And Other Issues

The past few months have been very difficult for me.  I went through many rough patches and have been extremely stressed out over many issues. This year has been a  tough year for me. It does not help that I am a high-strung person who’s really good at worrying.   I could feel my emotions running strong and deep from time to time and as a result,  noticed changes to my health.  I had heart palpitations, painful lumpy breasts and a difficult menses this month with blood clots.

I’ve been trying very hard to control my emotions and have been taking steps to de-stress. I try to exercise in the morning sun every morning, which I find extremely therapeutic for me.  I try to do things that make me happy and though our finances have been impacted by the continuous partial lockdown imposed by the Government to curb the spread of Covid-19, I sometimes try to splurge a little on myself and on the kids, all in the name of finding a little joy. Life is short. There’s no better time to enjoy life a little than now.

Several years ago, I met a very amiable and knowledgeable acupuncturist who practices Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).  She does acupuncture for Cass and me. I always found it therapeutic talking to her as she has an extremely calm and positive disposition.  She would always tell me that in TCM, emotional stress is the cause of many major diseases suffered by women like breast cancer, cancer of the reproduction organs and fibroids.  I had a large benign uterine fibroid that was growing rapidly and she would always advise me to control my emotions.  In TCM, uterine fibroids are caused by negative emotions.  I had the fibroid removed by a Laparoscopic Myomectomy surgery 3 years ago.

In TCM, negative emotions experienced excessively or over an extended period of time is identified as a major cause of disharmonies in menstruation, pregnancy, labor and menopause.  As emotional stress disrupts the natural cycles of energy transformation and circulation within our body, it can cause our Qi and blood to stagnate or rebel – which may manifest as PMS, irregular periods, amenorrhea (no period), delayed periods, heavy menstruation, or dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

Correlation of Stress With Your Breasts 
During particularly harsh periods of anxiety, pressure and stress, you can experience breast pain.

What causes it?  Research has found correlations between the impact of stress and estrogen levels, meaning that increased stress during a specific time during the menstrual cycle could cause excess discomfort.

What’s the treatment for stress related breast pain?  You simply have to remove stress from your life and get ample sleep each night! This was what my gynae told me.  However, we all know that it isn’t that simple.  Women have to find ways of managing anxiety, stress and invest in sufficient sleep each night.

Five Emotions that Affect Menstruation
There are five emotions that have a profound influence on women’s menstrual health:

  1. Sadness and grief
  2. Worry
  3. Anger / Hatred
  4. Fear
  5. Guilt

If we allow our emotions to flow through us naturally and if only we could prevent the above five emotions from holding us ransom, we will be a happier, healthier and more content person.

On the other hand, if we allow ourselves to harbor negative emotions, these emotions will stagnate, knot, sink or rebel, causing various emotional and menstrual disharmonies.

As human beings, it is not easy to stop negative emotions from controlling our minds but it can be done through practice, meditation, prayers and talking about it with a good friend or loved one.

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3 Things You Should Know About Tooth Extraction

If the last time you had a tooth pulled was when you had your wisdom teeth removed, you may feel understandably apprehensive if you need to get a tooth pulled. In reality, you shouldn’t feel fearful about the procedure, and learning a little more about the process can help to put your mind at ease. Here are three things that you should know about a tooth extraction.

1. Your Dentist or Oral Surgeon Can Adequately Anesthetize You

Thinking about having a tooth pulled can be somewhat anxiety-provoking. However, bear in mind that your dentist or oral surgeon can apply a local anesthetic that will minimize or entirely eliminate feeling in the area. Many patients report experiencing no pain at all and only feeling a sensation of pressure as a tooth is being pulled. Nonetheless, if you’re feeling particularly apprehensive, you can discuss additional anesthetic options with your dentist or oral surgeon. You may be able to take an oral sedative or have a sedative administered intravenously; these anesthetics won’t put you to sleep but they’ll help you to relax.

2. Replacing Your Tooth Will Help to Preserve Your Other Teeth

After a tooth extraction, getting an implant will help to preserve your bite and also protect your other teeth from damage. After a tooth extraction, people lose bone density in the surrounding area. Adjacent teeth may become weaker or shift out of alignment, and the tooth that is located above or below the extracted tooth may also shift. For help with dental implants Brooklyn, reach out to a provider who can help you replace a tooth with minimal discomfort.

3. Antibiotics Can Prevent Infection

After a tooth extraction, taking a course of antibiotics can help to reduce the risk of infection significantly. Your dentist or oral surgeon may prescribe amoxicillin, clindamycin, or another antibiotic that can prophylactically combat bacterial infection.

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Natural Ways To Ease Your Nerves

No matter who you are, it is likely that you have dealt with some kind of stress. Whether it is frequent or occasional, stress and tension can disrupt your life. The good news is, though, that there can be many natural ways to begin reducing your stress today.

Try Cannabis

One way to keep stress at bay that is growing in popularity is going to marijuana dispensaries in Chicago and giving cannabis a try. While some may think of cannabis, or marijuana, as a drug, the reality is that it can have many relaxing and healing qualities that can be beneficial for your health. Not only can it help to ease your nervous system and calm your stress at a physical level, but it can also be great for managing pain and more serious mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

Try Mindfulness

Another way to start feeling less stressed instantly is to give mindfulness, or meditation, a try. Mindfulness can not only help you to clear your mind, but it can have a calming effect on your nervous system and the rest of your body as well. To get the most out of your meditation practice, you should do it for 20-minute intervals daily. However, some may find it difficult to focus for that long in the beginning, so starting out at 5- or 10-minute intervals and building up can be helpful.

Try Deep Breathing Exercises

Along with meditation, deep breathing exercises can be another great way to start feeling more relaxed instantly. When you breathe in deeply and slowly, it sends signals to your brain to calm down and can be very effective at ridding you of feelings of panic or anxiety. Deep breathing exercises can be beneficial to do any time that you are feeling overwrought, and can also be good to do before bed, to promote more restful sleep.

Nearly everyone deals with stress from time to time, and however frequently it occurs, it can be disruptive. The good news is that there are things you can begin doing today to combat it.

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Achenbach’s Syndrome (Sudden Finger Bruising)

Throughout this lockdown, I have been suffering from several issues with my hands. Besides having a relapse of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome on my right hand, another new disorder crept up – Achenbach’s Syndrome or Sudden Finger Bruising. I know this must have been contributed by the overuse of my hands. With continuous washing and cleaning (and cooking 2-3 meals a day) everyday for months on end while being quarantined at home, the excessive repetitive movement of my hands have triggered these issues on my hands and fingers.

During my 7 months on home quarantine, I’ve had two incidences of Sudden Finger Bruising on my left index finger.  On both occasions, I was in the midst of doing chores and all of a sudden, I felt an acute throbbing pain on my left index finger.  It felt like I had crushed the finger with something heavy.  Seconds later, the finger turned purplish (picture below).

Symptoms of Achenbach’s syndrome are usually described as a sudden, unexplained burning sensation or pain in one or more fingers followed by purplish or bluish bruising associated with swelling, numbness and sometimes limitation of movement. The condition can also be entirely painless, though on both of my occasions, the attacks were extremely painful. Despite the variable recurrence rate, the disease has a benign course and the bruising disappears spontaneously after a few days, with a mean resolution time of 4 days.  The most commonly affected region is the palmar surface of the left hand, involving most frequently the index followed by the middle finger, and especially the proximal or medial phalanges. Rare cases may involve the thumb.

Achenbach’s syndrome is more common in middle-aged women. The index and middle fingers are the most affected.. This disease does not spread to the fingertips, and AS is distinguishable from ischemic lesions. Specific treatment is not required, and the patient may recover spontaneously within 1 week with local rest.

Picture of a patient with a more severe attack of AS:

Achenbach’s syndrome usually recurs after the first episode and may continue to occur over the person’s lifetime.

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Probiotics May Lower Your Cholesterol

Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for our health, especially our digestive system.  Probiotics can do more than just keeping your entire gut running smoothly and effectively. In the digestive tract, probiotic therapy has been used to prevent or treat lactose intolerance, intestinal infections and diarrhea, gastritis and ulcers caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, colitis caused by excessive antibiotic use, inflammatory bowel diseases, and irritable bowel syndrome. They are also proving instrumental in preventing colon cancer. Probiotics have also proven to reduce cholesterol levels.

We all have both good and bad bacteria in our body. When we get an infection, there’s more bad bacteria, wrecking havoc in our system. Good bacteria helps eliminate the extra bad bacteria, returning the balance. Probiotic-supplements are a way to add good bacteria to your body.

Though there are many types of bacteria that can be considered probiotics, there are two specific types of bacteria that are common probiotics found in stores. These include:

  • Lactobacillus.
  • Bifidobacterium.

Probiotics are also made up of good yeast. The most common type of yeast found in probiotics is Saccharomyces boulardii.

A number of large studies have shown that certain probiotics may be able to lower blood cholesterol, particularly in people with high cholesterol levels.  One of these, a review of 15 studies, specifically examined the effects of Lactobacilli.

There are two main types of cholesterol: high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, which is generally seen as “good” cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which is generally viewed as “bad” cholesterol.

This review found that, on average, Lactobacillus probiotics significantly reduced both total cholesterol and “bad” LDL cholesterol levels.

Probiotics were also more effective when taken by people with higher cholesterol, when taken for a longer period of time and when taken in capsule form.

There are a number of ways that probiotics may reduce cholesterol. They can bind with cholesterol in the intestines to stop it from being absorbed. They also help produce certain bile acids, which help metabolize fat and cholesterol in your body. Certain probiotics can also produce short-chain fatty acids, which are compounds that can help prevent cholesterol from being formed by the liver.


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Protecting Yourself From Skin Cancer

A diagnosis of skin cancer Memphis can be a scary thing. You likely wonder what exactly caused it and how it could have been prevented. If you have not been diagnosed with skin cancer but are looking to be proactive in your prevention, it is important that you adhere to a few key things. You should always protect yourself from harmful sun rays as much as possible.

Wear Sunscreen Daily

Sunscreen can be a pain to apply, and many brands feel thick and greasy on your skin. There are plenty of varieties that offer less obtrusive coverage while still protecting you from the sun. Many makeup brands have a foundation that contains SPF, and there are special moisturizers that you can use as well. The important thing is that you find a product you will use consistently.

Wear Long Sleeves and a Hat

If you live in a warm environment, you may find it hard to convince yourself to wear long sleeves during the summer. However, it is a great way to protect the delicate skin on your arms. There are plenty of moisture-wicking varieties of sun clothing that will keep you cool while protecting you from the sun. A hat is also essential for preventing harmful skin cancers on your face and neck; be sure that you choose a wide-brimmed hat that offers full protection.

Women Shop By Activity - Active

Visit a Dermatologist Regularly

You should see your dermatologist annually if you have no history of skin cancer. If you have a history or other risk factors, your doctor may want to see you more often. These appointments are important for your overall health, so you should make them a priority.

Sun exposure gives you plenty of beneficial vitamins, but it can also be detrimental to your skin. Arm yourself with these tips to protect yourself against the harsh elements.

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Finding the Best Place To Spend Your Retirement

Knowing when to retire is a big decision, but it is followed closely by choosing where to retire. The days of staying in one home for a lifetime are long gone for most families. People are choosing to retire to places where they can stretch their retirement income, pursue activities they enjoy and be near grandchildren. Answering these questions can help you make an informed decision about the best place for you to spend your retirement years.

What Type of Housing do You Want?

There are multiple options for retirement housing. Are you wanting something that can move with you from place to place, like an RV? Or perhaps you are looking to be more settled into one place. In that case, you can choose from options such as detached homes, townhomes, condos and apartments. Many retirement homes in Colorado provide opportunities for social, spiritual and recreational enrichment without leaving the community.

Community room at Eastern Star Masonic Retirement Campus in Denver, CO

Where Is Your Family Located?

Many people choose to retire near extended family. This gives them a chance to see grandkids regularly and stay connected. It can also help younger generations keep an eye on aging relatives, so don’t overlook that value. If your family is spread out across the country, then this may not be a possibility. If that is the case, carefully consider if choosing to be near one part of the family over another will cause strife. You may be better off somewhere centrally located instead.

How Is Your Retirement Income Set Up?

Unfortunately, costs may play an outsized role in your retirement planning. If you are concerned about stretching your income as far as possible, there are some places in the country that are simply more affordable than others. Or, you could choose to leave the country altogether and retire overseas. That will give you a chance to maximize your savings and income while experiencing a whole new way of life.

Answering a few questions can get you started on the road to finding an ideal retirement location. Remember to carefully consider any decisions and how they will impact you in the future.




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Self-Care and Relaxation Tips to Reduce Your Stress

Life has a way of presenting tension and anxiety at the least convenient times. While it never seems like a good time to prioritize managing these heightened states, you need to take time focus on your care. If you are struggling with stress, here are a few self-care and relaxation tips that can make all the difference.

Massage and Spas

If you want to get the full relaxation treatment, schedule a stone massage Fredericksburg VA. Even if you don’t feel ready to invest in a luxurious escape from tension, you deserve it. Stress has a way of building up and storing itself in your body. You will be blown away at the impact that a relaxing massage can have and the relief you feel when you release all of that extra pressure.

Mental Exercises

If you are looking for strategies to quiet your mind, building a daily mindfulness or meditation practice into your daily routine can make all of the difference. By finding a way to find peace even during the busiest and most hectic of moments can do wonders for your stress management over the long-term.

Breaks and Walking Away

An important lesson to learn is knowing when to walk away and take a break. Pushing through stress is not healthy and can lead to long-term built-up tension. If you take a break, walk away or go on a quick walk, you can come back centered and ready to take on the world again.


Social Media Escapes

For many people, social media is a part of daily life. While it can be mindless, it can also be frustrating and anxiety-provoking. This is why it is crucial to occasionally unplug from social media and screen time to give yourself a much-needed break from the noise of the digital world.

The reality is that the only way for you to deal with your stress is for you to address it head-on, prioritizing your own care. Whether you enlist the help of professionals, set clear boundaries or employ useful tactics, you too can find ways to live a happier and healthier life.

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Connection Between Sleep And Constipation

Lately I noticed that there is a connection between my sleep pattern and my bathroom habits. The lesser sleep I get, the worse my IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) symptoms get. When I only clocked in 5 hours of sleep, the IBS symptoms exacerbated.   During the Movement Control Order imposed on us recently when we were quarantined at home for months, I caught up on my sleep and had the most sleep that I ever got in my entire adulthood.  All the health issues that I had magically resolved on their own, from painful PMS breasts to IBS and I noticed a stronger immune system too.

Sleep is big part of our overall health, since it impacts our immune system, energy levels, and even our mental wellbeing. But did you know sleep can affect our poop, as well?  And it is scientifically proven. While it may seem disconnected, sleep plays a role in how often we poop, the types of bowel movements we have, and even things like gastrointestinal (GI) disorders.

When we get too little sleep or too much, it throws our body out of whack and that includes our GI system, which functions via nerve signaling, hormones, and electrolyte balance.  If possible, try to get seven to eight hours of sleep.

Digestive health experts have long believed that sleep quality and GI symptoms such as bloating, constipation, excessive flatulence and diarrhea are connected in some ways, especially among people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Research even suggests that sleep disruptions might trigger flare-ups of inflammatory bowel disease. Sleep disorders and poor sleep may also affect the immune system and, in turn, GI health. People who already deal with IBS or other gastrointestinal discomfort may very well notice that their symptoms get worse when they don’t get enough sleep or have poor quality sleep.

Our bodies follow a 24 hour sleep/wake cycle, also called our circadian rhythm. When this cycle is disrupted by sleeping less than the ideal amount of sleep per night, our intestinal cells and gut microbes are directly impacted.  As a result, this can cause processes like digestion and excretion  to be significantly slowed down.  And you might  even notice that it throws off your usual poop schedule.   Thus,  it’s important to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day — even on the weekends — so your body can fall into a rhythm, and stay on track.

Getting the right amount of sleep can act as a solid preventive health measure and, if you’re already living with GI discomfort or IBS, it won’t hurt to work on improving your sleep schedule.   Regular sleep pattern and sufficient sleep could reduce the amount of stress you live with—which, by the way, could improve your digestive health too.

Sleep is a big part of our overall health, since it impacts our immune system, energy levels, and even our mental wellbeing. But did you know sleep can affect our poop, as well?  And it is scientifically proven. While it may seem disconnected, sleep plays a role in how often we poop, the types of bowel movements we have, and even things like gastrointestinal (GI) disorders.

When we get too little sleep or too much, it throws our body out of whack and that includes our GI system, which functions via nerve signaling, hormones, and electrolyte balance.  If possible, try to get seven to eight hours of sleep.

Digestive health experts have long believed that sleep quality and GI symptoms such as bloating, constipation, excessive flatulence and diarrhea are connected in some ways, especially among people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Research even suggests that sleep disruptions might trigger flare-ups of inflammatory bowel disease. Sleep disorders and poor sleep may also affect the immune system and, in turn, GI health. People who already deal with IBS or other gastrointestinal discomfort may very well notice that their symptoms get worse when they don’t get enough sleep or have poor quality sleep.

Our bodies follow a 24 hour sleep/wake cycle, also called our circadian rhythm. When this cycle is disrupted by sleeping less than the ideal amount of sleep per night, our intestinal cells and gut microbes are directly impacted.  As a result, this can cause processes like digestion and excretion  to be significantly slowed down.  And you might  even notice that it throws off your usual poop schedule.   Thus,  it’s important to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day — even on the weekends — so your body can fall into a rhythm, and stay on track.

Getting the right amount of sleep can act as a solid preventive health measure and, if you’re already living with GI discomfort or IBS, it won’t hurt to work on improving your sleep schedule.   Regular sleep pattern and sufficient sleep could reduce the amount of stress you live with—which, by the way, could improve your digestive health too.

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