Jackfruit is a delicious fruit that is sweet and aromatic. It is rich in vitamin A, C and one of the few fruits that’s high in B vitamins. Jackfruit also contains folate, niacin, riboflavin, potassium, and magnesium. As jackfruit is high in carotenoids (vitamin A), eating jackfruit regularly may help prevent diseases like cancer, heart disease and eye disorders like cataract and macular degeneration.
Most of us would discard the seeds when we eat the flesh of jackfruit. Did you know that the seeds of jackfruit contain nutrients too? The next time you eat jackfruit, keep the seeds and boil them for a delicious snack. Although jackfruit seeds are encased in hard shells, you can roast, boil or steam this part of the jackfruit and enjoy them too.
Boiled jackfruits seeds – remove the outer crust of the seed to enjoy the flesh of the seed. It has a similar taste and texture to chestnuts.
Jackfruit seeds are primarily made of starch, but also contain essential vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants. Jackfruit seeds are even richer in certain nutrients compared to jackfruit flesh. The seeds have more protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, thiamin and riboflavin compared to jackfruit flesh.
Jackfruit seeds also contain a range of beneficial bioactive compounds like lignans, isoflavones, saponins and other antioxidants. Every 100 grams of jackfruit seeds also contains small amounts (4 percent of the DV or less) of calcium and vitamin A.
Health Benefits of Jackfruit Seeds
1. Resistant Starch
Foods high in resistant starch like the ones found in jackfruit seeds are beneficial to your guts. This is because the good bacteria that live in your gastrointestinal tract can ferment these starches in your large intestine. When resistant starches are fermented, they produce short-chain fatty acids. These short-chain fatty acids can help stimulate blood flow in your colon and reduce the risk of colon cancer.
A healthy gut microbiome isn’t just good for your stomach, intestines and colon; your gut is directly connected to your brain via a cranial nerve known as the vagus nerve. When you consume foods with resistant starches, this can help improve the function of your immune system and prevent diseases that affect your central nervous system too.
2. Prevents Anaemia
Jackfruit seeds are rich in iron thus eating them regularly can treat and prevent anaemia and other blood disorders. It boosts immunity, increases the production of red blood cells and thwarts off diseases.
3. Boosts Vision
Being a powerhouse of healthful nutrients like Vitamin A, jackfruit seeds may help in improving vision. Regular consumption of boiled jackfruit seeds or seed powder prevents eye diseases like night blindness and xeropthalmia.
4. Enhance Sexual Pleasure
Some sources state that the iron in the seeds can stimulate sexual pleasure. In fact, jackfruit seeds have been used in traditional Asian medicine to treat sexual disorders. The seeds can be roasted like chestnut and are considered an aphrodisiac by some experts!