Vitamin D Protects Against Colds, Flu and Cancer

During our 4 months of home quarantine during the Movement Control Order, I changed my morning workout time from 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. everyday.  The morning sun made me drench in sweat after each 1-hour run and the endorphins I got from the mid morning run gave me a high. I also realized that my immune system got stronger after weeks of soaking up the mid morning sun. Never mind the bronze tan that I got on my face and limbs; I was happier and felt stronger.

Did you know that the sun is your best source of Vitamin D?  It’s also known as the Sunshine Vitamin. When your skin is exposed to sunlight, it makes vitamin D from cholesterol. The sun’s ultraviolet B (UVB) rays hit cholesterol in the skin cells, providing the energy for vitamin D synthesis to occur.

A recent study by a global team of researchers has found that Vitamin D supplements, already widely prescribed for a variety of ailments, are effective in preventing respiratory diseases. And since the sun is our best source of Vitamin D, you don’t even need to buy supplements to get your dose of Vitamin D.  However, if you stay in countries that do not have sunlight throughout the year, Vitamin D supplements is a good option.

Most people know that Vitamin D is critical for bone and muscle health. An analysis by the Department of Emergency Medicine at Massachusetts found that Vitamin D helps the body fight acute respiratory infection, which is responsible for millions of deaths globally each year.

In another study led by Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), it was found that Vitamin D supplements protect against acute respiratory infections including colds and flu.  The study provides the most robust evidence yet that vitamin D has benefits beyond bone and muscle health, and could have major implications for public health policy, including the fortification of foods with vitamin D to tackle high levels of deficiency in the UK.

There are Vitamin D receptors and activating enzymes on the surfaces of all White Blood Cells. The role that vitamin D plays in keeping the immune system healthy is very complex because the immune system has to be perfectly balanced. If there is too much stimulation, autoimmune diseases can set in. If there is not enough immune system activity, frequent infections can occur.

In 2017, a large analyses of prospective clinical trials showed that taking Vitamin D reduces the odds of developing a respiratory infection by approximately 42% in people with low baseline levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D; below 25 ng/mL.

The analysis suggests that taking Vitamin D daily or weekly was more effective than larger doses taken in single or monthly boluses. The most common daily dose used was vitamin D3 300-4,000 IU.

According to the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, sufficient Vitamin D is found  to lower the risk of cancer.  The evidence suggests that efforts to improve vitamin D status, for example by vitamin D supplementation, could reduce cancer incidence and mortality at low cost, with few or no adverse effects.


How Much Vitamin D Do You Need?

While the U.S. National Academy of Medicine considers 600–800 IU of daily vitamin D to be sufficient for the majority of the population, the U.S. Endocrine Society recommends 1,500–2,000 IU per day.  The Reference Daily Intake (RDI) is currently set at 600-800 IU of vitamin D for adults, based on the U.S. National Academy of Medicine’s recommendations

Here’s how much vitamin D you need every day, according to the Institute of Medicine.

Age 1-70: 600 IU
Age 71 and older: 800 IU

Foods that provide vitamin D include:
Fatty fish, like tuna, mackerel, and salmon.
Foods fortified with vitamin D, like some dairy products, orange juice, soy milk, and cereals.
Beef liver.
Egg yolks.

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Petai (Stink Beans) Health Benefits

It’s the Petai season now and they are selling very cheaply everywhere — from roadside sellers to supermarkets, wet markets and even via online platforms.  Almost everyone in our family loves the stink bean and there are a variety of easy ways to cook these beans into a glorious dish that’s bursting with flavors.  Not only is the stink bean delicious (to most people), it is loaded with nutrients and health benefits.

Petai  (scientific name: parkia speciosa) is a bean that you either love or hate it the moment you smell it. For some, it is an acquired taste.  The stink can be so pervasive that after ingestion, you will reek a strong odor characteristic of the bean for a day or two.  The aftermath of eating Petai is not something that is pleasant to deal with, especially the morning after, thus it is a major turn-off for some people, including me.

Nutritional Contents Of Petai

Petai is rich in plant protein and essential amino acids, which are building blocks of protein to ensure the proper functioning of the central nervous system.

It is a good source of minerals, and is especially high in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron. Petai is high in fibre, and contains considerable amounts of vitamin C and E, as well as the vitamins A, B1, B2, and B3. This makes petai one of the most nutritious local vegetables.

A word of caution!

Before you cook the petai, make sure that you split the bean into two with a paring knife as they are prone to worms burrowing their way into the heart of the Petai as you can see from the photo below.  We usually see worms in almost half the amount of Petai that’s peeled, which is a lot!   It’s a lot of work but it sure beats biting into a crackling worm oozing with extra flavors!


Health Benefits of Petai

1.  Powerful antioxidants

Petai contains powerful antioxidants that can effectively scavenge harmful radicals and protect the cells from damage.  Antioxidants help to prevent oxidative stress that is the cause of many illnesses, including degenerative diseases like diabetes, hypertension, arthritis and cancer.

Numerous studies have been done to establish the antioxidant nature of petai. A high content of Vitamin C and a considerable amount of vitamin E are major compounds found in the bean contributing to its antioxidant capacity.  The beans were also found to show high amounts of phenolic compounds. Phenols act as antioxidants while exhibiting powerful antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

2.  Lowers blood sugar in diabetes and reduces cholesterol

Perhaps one of the most significant benefits of petai is its medicinal property in the treatment of diabetes.

Scientists in Universiti Pertanian Malaysia found that petai contains a chloroform extract that significantly reduced blood glucose levels in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.

Studies have also found that the hypoglycemic effect of petai is attributed to two major plant sterols present in the beans and pods, working synergistically to produce the anti-diabetic effect.

3.  Liver protector

Petai is traditionally believed to have a blood cleansing and body detoxifying effect.

4.  Anti-bacterial and anti-microbial

Cyclic polysulphides, one of the major compounds in petai, responsible for the pungent flavour of the petai, have shown to exhibit antibacterial and antifungal properties.

For this reason, petai is used in traditional medicine for the treatment of kidney inflammation which is caused by bacterial activity in the kidney (e.g. E-coli). Petai is also a remedy used for infections of the ureter and urinary bladder.

5. Lowers High Blood Pressure

The high potassium levels found in the beans can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

6.  High in Iron

Loaded with iron, petai can easily encourage the creation of hemoglobin within the blood and thus assists in cases of anemia.

7. Constipation

Loaded with fiber, which includes petai within the diet might help recover normal bowel action, assisting to conquer the issue without making use of laxatives.

Oh Petai, though you stink and cause us embarrassment after consuming you, you’re still a very much loved bean by all 🙂

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Why You Need a TABC License and How to Get One

If you make or sell liquor in Texas, you will want to have a Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission license. This will make your establishment a more responsible member of the community and protect yourself. Read on to learn more about why you need this license and how to get it.

What Is a TABC License?

The TABC license is a way to get enforce Texas laws regarding alcohol sales to minors and the already intoxicated. For instance, as you go through the process of getting your license, you will learn how to identify the already intoxicated and when you need to refuse sales to them.

Who Should Get One?

All bars, restaurants, and caterers who sell, serve, or deliver alcohol in the state of Texas should be licensed. Additionally, any servers, managers, or other staff working in your establishment should have a TABC certification. This will help you ensure that your business does not break any state laws regarding alcohol sales.

Why Should You Have a TABC License?

Having proper TABC licensing and certified servers are important because it ensures that you and your employees understand the rules of alcohol sales in Texas. For instance, you will learn how to refuse sales to minors, the already intoxicated, and non-members at private establishments, all of which are illegal. When your servers and bartenders understand the laws, they are less likely to break them.

Additionally, this will protect you and your establishment. If one of your servers breaks a law, the TABC has the right to take administrative action against your liquor license. However, having a TABC license and certified servers will protect against you losing your ability to sell alcohol.

Whether you own a bar, restaurant, or catering business in Texas, you must get your TABC license. This shows that you understand state laws regarding alcohol sales and can safeguard your business.

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What Is Maskne And How To Prevent It

“Maskne” or acne mechanica, is pimples located in areas where your face mask touches your face. Maskne occurs when sweat, oil and bacteria are trapped on your skin while wearing a tight face mask with very little air flow, creating the perfect breeding ground for skin bacteria to flourish and cultivate.

My two older teenage daughters tend to get a massive flare-up of Maskne on hot days when they return from school.  Donning a face mask from 6:30 a.m. through 3:30 p.m. for 9 long hours in hot and humid Malaysian weather spells disaster to the skin on their faces.  On days when my eldest stays home and attends online classes, the skin on her face will be under control. It takes just one day of all-day mask wearing to undo all the healing on her skin. With COVID-19 not slowing down anytime soon, it’s likely that face masks will remain a part of our daily routines for the foreseeable future.

Maskne is different from blemishes caused by hormones or hereditary issues like cystic acne.  Maskne is especially prevalent on the bridge of your nose, your cheeks and your chin, caused by an external factor – a mask obstructing the skin and causing excess pressure, heat and rubbing, which leads to irritation, inflammation and pimples.

How to prevent maskne

Strict hygiene must be practised when wearing masks and it is recommended to change the mask every 4 hours.  If you notice any dampness within the mask, it should be changed immediately and not wait 4 hours later.  Thus, it is advisable to carry an extra mask in your bag or pocket at all times during this pandemic.   Reusable masks must be washed everyday with soap and water and air dried thoroughly.

When you remove your mask to drink and eat, it is important to be wary of where you are putting it down to prevent catching virus / bacteria on the mask.  You can place your mask in a mask bag / mask keeper or your pocket or anywhere that is clean, away from contact with dirty surfaces.

To help prevent skin problems from developing under your mask, we have below the following handy tips:

1.  Cleanse and moisturize your face daily. Gentle skin care can prevent skin problems. When washing your face, use a mild, fragrance-free cleanser .

You can prevent breakouts from your moisturizer by using a moisturizer formulated for your skin type. When selecting moisturizer, follow this guide:

Oily skin (or when weather is hot, humid): Gel moisturizer
Normal or combination skin: Lotion
Dry to very dry skin: Cream

If you have acne or tend to break out, you can still use a gel moisturizer.

2. Skip the makeup when wearing a mask. Beneath a mask, makeup is more likely to clog your pores and lead to breakouts. If makeup is necessary, use only products labeled “non-comedogenic” or “oil free.”

3. Avoid trying new skin care products that can irritate your skin. Wearing a mask for even a short time can make your skin more sensitive. To reduce skin problems, avoid trying harsh products, such as a chemical peel, exfoliant, or retinoid, for the first time.

4. Use less of certain skin care products if your face becomes irritated. When you cover your face with a mask, some skin care products that you’ve used in the past may irritate your skin. If this happens, cut back on products that can irritate your skin, such as leave-on salicylic acid, retinoid you apply to your face and aftershave.

5. Wear the right mask. To reduce skin problems, look for masks that offer the following:

A snug, but comfortable fit.
Soft, natural, and breathable fabric, such as cotton.
Fabric on the inside that feels soft if you have sensitive skin.
Cotton material inside if you have acne or oily skin.

Wearing a mask that offers a snug, but comfortable fit helps to protect you and others from the coronavirus. You want a snug fit across your nose, on the sides, and under your chin.

A snug, comfortable fit also reduces skin problems. If the mask feels too tight or slides around on your face, it can irritate your skin. You’re also more likely to adjust a poorly fitting mask. When you touch your mask, you can transfer germs to your mask and your face.

The fabric is also important. Avoid synthetic fabrics, such as nylon, polyester, and rayon. These are more likely to irritate your skin and cause breakouts.

6.  Take a 15-minute mask break every 4 hours. But only remove your mask when it’s safe to do so and after washing your hands with soap or sanitized them with hand sanitizer.

Safe places to remove your mask include:

Outdoors, when you can stay at least six feet away from people.
Inside your car when you’re alone.
At home.

Since we’re going to be wearing masks for a while until a vaccine for Covid-19 is found, managing maskne isn’t going to be a one-time deal. It will require developing both treatment and ongoing prevention habits to keep your skin clear.   Proper mask-wearing hygiene and practice applies to everyone and not just those who are more acne-prone as mask-related acne affects almost everyone.


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Brainzyme Review – A Supplement For Brain Power

Recently some of my friends lamented to me that they dreaded going back to the office to work after spending several months working from home while in home quarantine. No one looks forward to waking up between 4 a.m. to 6 a.m. to get their kids ready for school and then get ready for work. Braving through horrendous traffic jam, occasionally dozing off behind the wheels at traffic lights stops, struggling to keep awake during meetings and beating a mental fog while rushing to submit reports and proposals are some of the struggles that  full-time working moms and even dads battle with every work day.

Most people do not have enough time in one day to clock in 7-8 hours of sleep and some people, like me, are constantly chronically sleep deprived.  On school-going days, I am already up and about at 4:30 a.m.. After sending Cass up the school van at 6-ish in the morning, I run for half an hour before rushing home to send Sherilyn to school.  If I do not have work to submit to my bosses on that day, I go to the park and run for another 30 minutes.  By 10-ish a.m, my step count hits 10,000 and my energy level goes down south.  By this time, while staring at work on the PC screen, I feel cloudy-headed and I can’t think of what to write and eventually snooze off for half an hour.

What if I could get something that is completely natural, plant based and in full compliance with UK Department of Health and EFSA statutory legislation to help me prolong my energy level and stay focused for up to 8 hours?  There is indeed a supplement for your brain called that you can pop to give you the much-needed brain power to accomplish your long list of To-Do Tasks in a day!

Brainzyme is a natural nootropic (brain food supplement), nutritional cognitive enhancer or nutritional smart drug,  a substance that enhances mental performance without the use of drugs. It is made from all plant-based ingredients and suitable for vegans and vegetarians with no added preservatives, no animal derived ingredients and never tested on animals.  Plus point for animal lovers!

What is Brainzyme?
Brainzyme is UK’s first all natural food supplement cognitive enhancer. They are scientifically proven to support mental performance, concentration and help reduce tiredness. The ingredients are non-toxic and safe even for children.

Brainzyme Ingredients
Each capsule has matcha, Guarana and 7 other vitamins and minerals. I will list all the ingredients below and how they can support your body.

    • Matcha – this is green tea leaves ground down into a powder; which is packed with antioxidants helping focus.
    • Guarana – a plant native to Amazonian region. It’s seeds contain natural caffeine which is released in a sustained manner helping with alertness. Guarana has an antioxidant profile similar to that of green tea.
    • Choline – an important nutrient that is helpful for brain health.  This can be found in foods like eggs, fish, beans and nuts.
    • Caffeine – this improves concentration.
    • Vitamin B5 – (Pantothenic acid) an essential nutrient that contributes to normal mental performances.
    • Vitamin B6 – (Pryoxidine) an essential nutrient that contributes to normal-energy yielding metabolism and reduction of fatigue.
    • Vitamin B12 – (Cobalamin) this nutrient can also contribute to the reduction of fatigue and tiredness.
    • Vitamin B1 –  (Thiamine) this nutrient contributes to normal-energy yielding metabolism and function of the nervous system.
    • Iron – this essential mineral contributes to normal cognitive function.
    • Zinc – this mineral contributes to normal DNA synthesis and cognitive functions.
    • Iodine – this nutrient contributes to normal cognitive and neurological functions

What Can Brainzyme Do For You?
Brainzyme is an advanced brain food supplement with scientifically proven plant-powered ingredients that provide you with:

    • Calm focus.  It supports clearer thinking so that you can get more done.
    • Strong focus and concentration.
    • Motivated mood support.
    • Up to 8-hour energy.
    • Memory support.

Who Should Consume Brainzyme?
Professionals, students, moms, dads, athletes, anyone who wishes a boost in their focus, mood and energy level.

Media and Endorsement
The scientifically proven claims made by Brainzyme are verified and compliant with UK regulatory agencies in compliance with statutory regulations enforced by the Department of Health (UK), Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (UK), Food Standards Agency (UK), Trading Standards (Scotland) and the European Food Safety Authority (EU).

Brainzyme has been featured in The Times, Forbes and Nutraceutical Business Review with endorsements from doctors, psychologists and Olympians.

Brainzyme formulas are British nutritional scientist audited, and Trading Standards approved with full Department of Health compliance.

In 2016, they were the first company in the UK to launch a nootropic that was fully compliant with all 6 governing agencies.

Brainzyme are also the first, with MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) guidance, to use the term ‘cognitive enhancer’ on product packaging.

In 2017 they developed a nootropic that incorporated 3 functions into one:
(1) an advanced brain supplement (2) a probiotic (live culture) and (3) a full range of essential minerals and vitamins.


Is Brainzyme safe and legit?
Yes it is legit and safe. You can do your own research on Brainzyme by browsing the web for more information.

Can Children Consume Brainzyme?
Yes, both products (Focus Original and Focus Pro) can be taken by anyone who is above 10 years old. But the limit is 1 capsule for a 10 year old as this is in line with UK regulation since it has caffeine in it from natural sources such as guarana and green tea.

The Brainzyme Focus Range is good for calming down students/kids with ADHD.

Both Focus Original and Professional will help kids focus in their studies.


10-16 year olds : may take 1 capsule

16+ years and above: may take 2 capsules


What side effects can you get with Brainzyme?

Brainzyme does not generally cause any side effects in the majority of customers. However, some customers have reported side effects as listed below:

Thirst: The most commonly reported side-effect is an increased need for water (20-30% of customers experience this).

Sleep: If you take the capsules in the late afternoon or evening, you may find it difficult to sleep. To resolve this, we would advise taking them in the morning instead (5% of customers experience this).

Difficulty taking on an empty stomach: To achieve the best results, you should take Brainzyme in isolation from other proteins. By taking Brainzyme without food, you will benefit from a more potent effect. If you take the supplements with food, the results may be lessened.

Lastly, as with other food supplements, if you are breastfeeding, pregnant, under medical supervision or suffer from allergies, you should first get medical advice from your doctor before you consume Brainzyme.

Where To Get A Pack To Try
You can purchase you own Brainzyme .  Price ranges from £18.00 to £89.00 depending on the type and number of capsules.


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Health Benefits Of Walking 10,000 Steps A Day

I have been wearing a Fitbit fitness tracker watch for more than 3 years now but it’s only during the Covid-19 lockdown that I actually started to track my steps closely, making sure that I hit at least 8,000 steps a day during my shelter-in-place.

On most days, I clock in an average of 12,000 – 13,000 steps a day. On days that I don’t exercise, I hit an average of 8,000 -9,000 steps.  On some days, I hit more than 16,000 steps and these are the days that I have the time to run for an hour at the park.

Walking 10,000 steps a day has become a popular fitness goal.  But does taking 10,000 steps a day really have anything to do with good health? Of course it does!

The surprising truth is that the 10,000 number originally appeared in the 1960s when a Japanese company started selling pedometers called manpo-kei, which literally translates to “10,000-step meter.” Later, studies confirmed that people who take 10,000 steps have lower blood pressure, more stable glucose levels and better moods. The number quickly caught on.  More recently, some researchers have suggested 15,000 steps might be even better.

Research has unanimously concluded that the more light activities you can do in a day, the better. Taking more steps means you’re spending less time being sedentary, which is better for your health.

Here are just a few of the health benefits you’ll experience once you start to clock in more steps in a day.

1. It will strengthen your lungs.
2. It will boost your heart health.
3. You could walk off your body fat.
4. It boosts your mood and battles the effects of depression.
5. Slows mental decline.
6. Gives you time to think and do some soul searching. You could also pray when you walk. Daily walking can act as a form of meditation. It gives you time to mull over ideas and find solutions to problems.
7. It improves your concentration.
8. It strengthens your bones.
9. Walking 10,000 steps a day builds muscle.
10. It helps stabilize your blood sugar.
11. Once you form the habit, it is easy to turn it into a lifestyle change.
12. It helps you sleep faster and better.

The broader point

For many, 10,000 steps is a reasonable target because it’s ambitious but attainable.  However, depending on your lifestyle, 10,000 may seem impossible to achieve. If you struggle to reach even 3,000, set a lower goal to start and then work your way up. Track your steps for a week or two and see what you average. Then set a goal that is ambitious but that with a little additional effort, you can achieve. Once you start reaching your goal every day, you can work on setting it higher. If you can easily get in 10,000 steps a day, bump it to 11,000 or 12,000. Try 16,000 or 17,000 if you really want to.

As long as you’re pushing yourself to walk more every day, and at a brisk pace, you can be sure you’re doing your mind and body some good.  If you’re intent on taking 10,000 a day, make sure at least some are the fast, heart-pumping kind that leave you sweaty and winded. No number of slow steps can replace the benefits of heart-pumping activity. Strength training is important for your muscles and bones, even if it doesn’t help you hit 10,000 steps.

There’s no doubt that walking leads to more calories burned throughout the day. However, without understanding your calorie net caloric balance, walking 10,000 steps, or even 20,000 steps a day might not be enough to cause any meaningful fat loss or improvements to body composition if you do not control food portions and calorie intake.

In order to achieve fat loss, you need to burn more calories than you get from your food. That’s called a caloric deficit. With a caloric deficit by walking 10,000 steps and eating less only can one burn fat and lose weight.

Setting yourself with a step challenge is an easy way for anyone, of any fitness level, to condition themselves to be more active. You may be surprised at how much or how little you actually get up and move during the day.

I have boundless of energy on most days,  thus I can exceed my target number of steps each day. I’m thankful to my parents for this DNA as they are also very energetic and active folks.  Speaking of DNA, you can get a DNA test Malaysia done that can tell you a lot of information about yourself that you don’t even know!

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2 Crucial Elements of Long-Term Care

The baby boomer population is heading into retirement and beyond, leading to an increased need in elder care services Westchester County. Putting a loved one or a family member into a care facility is a difficult decision. It is important that your aging loved one feel secure, independent, and respected in spite of whatever health concerns or mental decline they may be experiencing. Long-term care shouldn’t be negative, begrudged assistance to someone you care about. It also doesn’t define the overall health of an individual. In order to receive the best care and encourage the best health for your loved one, look for a facility that has the following characteristics.


The individuals employed at a facility should have plenty of experience in their chosen field. You don’t want a facility that has a lot of turnover or that pays minimum wage as they simply staff the halls. There may be some skills that aren’t as critical for your loved one, but that doesn’t matter. Each person should be adequately trained and familiar with the potential health or assistance needs each individual in the center may have.


There are a lot of people needing long-term care, and there have been many complaints throughout the system that there is a lack of empathy and care towards residents. Facilities that take care of their employees often generate a culture of passion and care for the work that needs to be done. Look for this culture when you take a tour. Watch the employees carefully, looking for the way they treat the residents and listening to their tone of voice. Make sure you select a location where the employees demonstrate genuine empathy and concern for the people they serve.

If you can find a facility that has a pervasive culture of these two qualities, you can usually be more confident in the quality of care your loved one will receive. You won’t find a perfect facility, but you should be comfortable with the level of professionalism and concern that the facility displays.

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Tips To Paying Your Medical Bills On Time

Have you ever let a medical bill go unattended? If so, you now what sort of trouble that can cause for a person. Medical bills that go for too long without being paid can turn into judgements and destroy your credit score. To completely avoid this, here are some tips to help you get your medical bills paid on time.

Double Check The Charges

Medical providers are notorious for overcharging for services. The main reason this happens is that insurance companies always get charged the highest posssible prices. Through good chargemaster management, a medical provider can avoid overcharging patients, but when these services aren’t in place, the responsibility of calling them out on the overages is in your hands.

Most of the time, a simple phone call to disput charges can result in the charge being reduced. Make sure to always cal your medical provider to make sure the charge is accurate to avoid paying more than you need to on your medical bills.

Don’t Ignore Bills

If you get a medical bill that you can’t afford to pay, the absolute worst thing to do is to ignore it. Medical providers know this sort of thing happens all the time, and the best thing to do is to call them and see if they can work out a payment plan with you. Most providers are able to provide payment plans to make paying the bill much easier to do. Payment plans usually also help you to avoid costly credit score dings that can take years to repair.

Don’t Use Credit Cards

Paying off a medical bill with a credit card because you don’t have cash on hand to pay it is a pitfall too many people fall into. Credit card companies are much more ruthless than medical providers if you can’t pay your bill. Credit card companies don’t offer payment plans with customers like medical providers do. If you fall behind on your credit card payments, the company can easily tank your credit and even shut down your account making it virtually impossible to get another credit card until several years have passed.

As you can see, ignoring medical bills is one of the worst things to do. Instead, contacting the medical provider is the best thing to do in order to see if there are payment plans that can be worked out to help you get out of the hole you are in.

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How Elderly Care Can Help Your Family

When you have an aging loved one who is beginning to need more assistance in their day to day life, it can be hard to know what steps to take to best help them. This can be particularly true for those that may not have the time to help their loved one like they would like to, but also know that their loved one is still too independent for an assisted living facility. If you think you may need elderly care Missouri here are a couple of things to consider.

Elderly Woman and Caregiver

What Is Elderly Care?
Elderly care is a term that covers a wide variety of services and types of assistance that are intended to help those who are aging live as comfortably as possible. A common type of elder care is elder care at home, where someone comes to your loved one’s home and helps to care for them. The duties they perform can vary, and will often depend on how much help your loved one needs. An elder care professional may do as little as help with some light cleaning and grocery shopping, or do as much as provide around the clock nursing care.

How Can It Help?
Elder care doesn’t just help the aging loved one that receives it, it can help the whole family as well. When you know that your loved one is being looked after, but also doesn’t have to give up any of the freedom or comfort that comes with staying in their own home, it can help you to relax and feel better about the situation, yourself.

Knowing that a loved one needs care may feel stressful, and depending on the situation, you may not be sure what the right next step is in providing them the best lifestyle possible. While it can be difficult to navigate, the reality is that there are helpful options like elder care that can make things a little easier on everyone.

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Baking Soda Deodorant

Baking soda is widely known for its ability to not only clean the house but to absorb odors as well. For instance, if you have a pungent smell in your refrigerator, leaving an open box of baking soda in your fridge can help get rid of the odor.  This odor-absorbing ability has resulted in baking soda becoming a popular option as a natural chemical-free deodorant.

My daughters and I have been using food grade baking soda as deodorant for a long time now. Baking soda is inexpensive, easily available and effective in keeping bad body odor at bay.   This versatile kitchen ingredient helps neutralise body odors by absorbing sweat, altering skin pH, and suppressing bacterial growth.

Natural Baking Soda

Baking soda is a preferred underarm deodorant over conventional deodorant.  Off-the-shelves commercial deodorant may contain harmful chemicals such as:

  • Aluminum. Some people are concerned that absorbing aluminum from a deodorant can increase their risk of breast cancer and other cancers. However, there isn’t any scientific research to date to support this.
  • Parabens. Although research is still ongoing, some early studies indicate that parabens found in beauty and personal care products may increase the risk of cancerous skin damage.
  • Triclosan. This ingredient may disrupt some types of hormones.
  • Artificial colors. These may cause skin irritation.


How To Make DIY Baking Soda Deodorant

  • Pour baking soda into a salt shaker and apply a very light shake onto your palm  before rubbing on the underarms.  Do it after shower when your underarms are still slightly damp so that the baking soda sticks to the skin.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a cup of water. Store this in a spray bottle and use daily on sweat-prone areas. Allow to air-dry and brush off any residue to avoid staining your clothes.
  • Mix baking soda and cornstarch or arrowroot powder in a ratio of 2:1. Sprinkle on underarms and feet to prevent body odours.


If you have dry or sensitive skin, you could be more prone to the following side effects if you use baking soda under your arms:

scaly skin
stinging/burning sensation

Baking soda is generally safe when used on the skin.  Stop using baking soda as deodorant if you experience severe reaction on your skin.

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