We live in a world of frequency or vibration. Frequency is the number of repeating vibrations that occur in a second. These are measured in hertz. All things have a frequency; even the human body. The human body has vibrational frequency down to the cellular level.
Higher frequency in the body, results in better health. It has been shown that a normal healthy body has a frequency of 62–72 MHz. When the body drops below this frequency, we begin to get into illness and disease states. For example, if our frequency drops to 58 MHz, then we are likely to get a cold or flu. If our frequency drops to 42 MHz, we become susceptible to cancer within the body. The lower the frequency, the closer we are to death.
The human body has an electrical frequency and much about a person’s health can be determined by it. It has been agreed by science, medicine and metaphysics that certain frequencies can repel disease and certain frequencies can destroy disease which is one of the most amazingly useful revelations individuals can use to empower themselves in making wise wellness choices and ultimately becoming their own form of healer.
When parts of the body are no longer vibrating at their optimal frequency this part of the body can move to a state of dis-ease. This is when you need to stop, recalibrate your frequency or risk putting your balanced state of health and wellbeing in jeopardy.
Albert Einstein said it best when he said: “Everything is energy.” We literally live in a sea of vibration! Four out of our five senses—sight, sound, touch, and taste—receive sensory data from the environment which is transferred through the nervous system to the brain.
Since the human body is really energy it makes sense to use energy based products that are in alignment with us so as to support our body and mind. When it comes to the botanical essences of aromatherapy, their natural ability to enhance our health and well-being are without a doubt in alignment with our vibrational nature.
It has been shown that every disease has a specific frequency. Studies have found that various frequencies can either destroy and neutralise, or support the growth and spread of disease in the body.
For example, all of the electrical devices in your home – lamps, television, radio, phone, microwave – emit electromagnetic vibrational frequencies that are incoherent and chaotic. Their effect is to fracture the human electrical field.
By contrast, most naturally occurring substances –including essential oils – have coherent frequencies that resonate harmoniously with the electrical field of the human body.
Essential oils offer us a natural way to restore our body’s healthy electromagnetic vibrational frequency. They are affordable, accessible, effective and versatile. Using them is a subtle, gentle way to allow the body to harmonize with its electromagnetic field, thus restoring and supporting wellness in every body system.
Even thoughts and feelings have a vibrational quality which form a measurable frequency. So its believed that a negative state can lower a persons frequency (some suggest by 10-15 MHz). A positive attitude, meditation or prayer on the other hand can increase your mental state by the same vibrational frequency.

Dr Richard Gerber MD, author of Vibrational Medicine, tells us that one of the best ways we can change dysfunction in our energy bodies is to “administer therapeutic doses of frequency – specific subtle energy in the form of vibrational medicines.”
By applying an essential oil with a particular frequency to the human body – through the principle of entrainment – the essential oil will raise the vibration of the individual. The therapeutic properties create special vibrational remedies capable of rebalancing the body, mind and spirit.
It has been said that pure essential oils have the highest vibrational frequencies of any measured natural substance. The measured frequencies of essential oils begin at 52 MHz, the frequency of basil oil, and go as high as 320 MHz – the frequency of rose oil. For comparison, fresh produce has a frequency of up to 15 MHz, dry herbs from 12-22 MHz, fresh herbs from 20-27 MHz. Processed and canned foods have no measurable frequencies.

Most naturally occurring substances and objects have coherent frequencies that resonate harmoniously with the electrical field of the human body.
Because each essential oil in particular has a specific frequency and our bodily systems and organs also have frequencies, the oils electrical affinity with these components of our bodies will enhance and support the organs, systems and assimilation of nutrients in the body.

Essential oils in the higher frequency range tend to influence emotions, mood and spirit whilst essential oils in the lower range have more impact on physical structure including cells, hormones, bones and body systems as well as fighting viruses, bacteria and fungi. Essential oils do not resonate with toxins, they cannot co-exist. They also do not resonate with negative emotions. They can dislodge forgotten trauma by surfacing them in our consciousness where we can deal with them and let them go.

Keeping your vibration high
So how do you keep your vibration high? Here are a few little ideas:
~ Become mindful and aware of your thoughts, feelings and actions. Let go of fear and limiting beliefs as they will shape your reality.
~ Gratitude and kindness make you feel good, others feel good and hence vibrations are pushed sky high.
~ Eat clean living foods that vibrate naturally.
~ Use therapeutic grade essential oils to help increase emotional and physical vibrations and support healing.
~ Incorporate mediation, sound and movement into your day to reduce stress, slow the mind and support circulation. These actions/things will keep your vibration high.
~ Even simply knowing about or having this basic understanding of how vibrational frequencies work, arms you with the power to transform all aspects of your world.
Have you considered your health and frequency? Is this a completely new concept for you? I am sure this article, my dear readers is empowering and mind blowing.