Category Archive: Cassandra

Health Freak Baby Eating Leek Flowers

Even when Baby’s down with a bad cold with phlegm and is avoiding most solids, including fruits and biscuits, she surprisingly still likes her veggie – celery, french beans, leek flowers, you name it!  She’s indeed a health freak baby, just like her mummy haha!

Here Baby is munching on some leek flowers. I am really surprised that she likes veggie with pungent tastes like celery, red and yellow bell peppers and leek flowers. I must try bitter gourd and petai (stinky beans) on her one of these days! Oh yeah, she also likes the king of fruits – durian!

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Sure Way To Combat Constipation

Whenever my gals have constipation, the first thing that comes into my mind to help them move their bowel is the red dragon fruit. I always have stock of the red dragon fruit in my fridge and my gals and I eat this fruit at least 2-3 times a week.  But not Baby coz she seems to have loose bowel quite often, no thanks to the prophylactics antibiotics that she’s been eating daily since she was 7 weeks old. In fact, I hardly feed Baby with fruits coz she poo poos just too much. Baby takes Nutrifresh from E.Excel instead, a nutrition powder which consists of fruits, berries and veggie.

Baby could not poo poo for 2 days early this week. She hardly ever has constipation. On the 2nd and 3rd day, I gave her some red dragon fruits and as effective as it has always been, on the 3rd day, she finally poo pooed, though not as explosive as I’d expected!

Baby enjoying her red dragon fruit, which she had for dinner. Her tummy was so bloated that she had no appetite for her porridge.

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Health Freak Baby

These days, giving Baby a veggie or a raw carrot stick to munch on will keep her still on her highchair during meal times. Here she is enjoying herself to the max with a lotus root stuffed with mung beans:

Here’s the lotus root stuffed with mung beans. My mil made a pot of soup with that and pork ribs.  Stuffing the mung beans into the lotus root can be quite a feat and very time consuming too.

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Baby C Wants Tasty Adult Food

Baby gets bored with a type of food pretty easily, so I have to think of new food for her all the time, loooooong sigh…..    She no longer wants her baby biscuits now – she would turn her head when offered a biscuit or she would hammer the biscuit on the table till it becomes squishy *slap forehead*.  Now, she wants adult food, sei moh… food that is tasty and has a little sugar and salt, o_O! Lately, she has started to reject her porridge but when I added a tiny pinch of salt into her porridge, this fler with a sharp taste bud whacked down her bowl of porridge without much fuss.

Baby loving her Yoplait Lite yoghurt. But if she eats the same item a few days straight in a row, she would get fed-up of it again and can even puke when fed with it. Is your toddler like this too?

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Health Freak Baby

I told ya Baby C is a health freak baby. I gave her a small slice of stir-fried celery the other day and she loved it more than any of her baby biscuits, unbelievable! I was really surprised that she likes celery as this veggie tend to have a rather unappealing smell and taste but my health freak baby didn’t think so, lol!

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Lots of X-rays, Scans and Even An Echo Heart Scan

During Baby C’s 3-week stay in the hospital recently, she had gone through many types of scans from countless x-rays to a Fluoroscopy, ultrasound scans, a CT Scan and even an Echo Heart Scan!  That explains how our bill amounted to over RM50k!   During that period of time, I cannot tell you how terribly worried I was of the amount of radiation my little baby’s body was exposed to everyday.  But it’s between the devil and the deep blue sea.   X-ray or you won’t know what’s going on inside her abdomen and guts.  It’s a case of do or die.  During the fluoroscopy procedure, my heart pounded each time I saw the Radiologist taking pictures of Baby’s abdomen… all in, there were easily 20-30 pictures!  That procedure only completed about 4 hours later.   Not to mention the 3 days straight in a row of x-rays taken (including one done on one night towards midnight) to rule out obstruction of the guts when she puked non-stop.   Anyway, sigh…. all is over now, I hope.

During the 3-week nightmarish hospital stay, when all the x-rays and scans did not give a conclusive and definite answer, a group of paeds came to see Baby.  The chief paed did not want to leave any stones unturned and sent her for an Echo Heart Scan to rule out Kawasaki…. though she did not have other Kawasaki symptoms. The cardiologist from another hospital was called to perform the Echo Heart Scan on Baby. The scan showed a slight dilation of the heart vessel but that did not warrant any serious attention. The report showed that all was normal but to monitor Baby’s condition.

Days later after all those scans and x-rays, when Baby’s belly ballooned up like an inflated balloon, our surgeon ordered Baby to be operated on immediately and I was given a notice of like less than an hour to be mentally prepared!  That day – 22 May 2009 will forever be etched in my memory.  Not a day goes by without me reminiscing of what Baby and I had gone through during her 3-week nightmarish stay in the hospital. It was like living hell for Baby and I pray that Baby never ever have to re-live those days again, ever.

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Health Freak Baby

Here’s another way of keeping Baby still on her high chair – by giving her a wedge of raw carrot to nibble on. My Baby sure is a health freak. The other day, I put 2 things in front of her and asked her to choose – a biscuit and a carrot stick…. and here’s what she chose:

As she nibbled happily on the carrot stick, she kept giving me the thumbs up sign… which in her case, it was a forefinger up sign….telling me that the carrot is yummy!

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Beet Root Porridge

I was told by Baby C’s surgeon that beet roots are very nourishing and nutrients-packed and he had suggested to me several times feeding baby with beet roots, radishes, peas, spinach and fresh fish.  I bought 2 beet roots the other day and grated about 1/4 of it into baby’s porridge.

Baby’s colorful and sweet porridge made up of rice, millet, grated beet root, broccoli, spinach, pumpkin, ma yau fish and pork (she doesn’t eat the pork).  It tasted really good and even I liked it!

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Praying Hard

…. that Baby C does not have anymore Klabsiella bacteria in her urinary tract.  More than a week has passed since the last urine culture test was done.  I haven’t sent Baby C’s pee for another culture as her purging had stopped, her down under is not sore anymore and her pee looks rather clear.   I am praying hard that the Klabsiella bacteria had been flushed out from Baby C’s body through her pee.  I am also hoping that after the ureteral reimplantation surgery and all that she had gone through last month, her urinary tract system is now normal and functioning as it should have been.  Now that the duplex system is fixed, I hope baby’s body is able to fight off whatever bacteria that is invading her urinary tract.   Before the surgery, the urinary tract system is like a yoyo due to the double ureters.  I am praying hard that baby’s urinary tract system is A-ok now.  

I am still living in fear each day. I still smell and scrutinize baby’s soiled diaper each time I change her.  For as long as there is no confirmation from the doctor or MCUG scan that she is free from Kidney Reflux, I am still petrified that what she had gone through for the past 1 year will still happen again. I am well aware that the success rate of the surgery is 96%-100%, so there is a chance that she still has kidney reflux. 

In the meantime, I am feeding baby with barley water every other day as I was told by my surgeon that barley water is good for the bladder.  I did a google search on barley water and UTI and found out that indeed, barley water, which is diuretic, is effective in treating UTI.  Have also been feeding her with boiled lemon grass water. I read that coconut water is also good in treating UTI.  Perhaps I should try feeding her with coconut water too.  Hopefully with all these natural remedies along with being super clean with her down under, I can help stave off those nasty bugs from attacking Baby C.

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Baby C’s Post Ureteral Reimplantation Surgery

Baby C has been poo pooing 3-5 times a day ever since she was discharged from the hospital more than 2 weeks ago. Several days ago, her down under turned sore and her pee also smelled a tad funny in the wee hours of the morning. These are normally the classic symptoms that would present themselves whenever baby has bacteria in her pee. I applied some Egozite and Pureen cream (both contain zinc oxide, which prevents soreness and nappy rash) on her down under and after a few days, the soreness went away.

Today, I took samples of her pee to the hospital for a urine culture. It was really difficult and stressful for me and baby. My maid and I had to break our backs waiting for her to pee for over an hour, yet she didn’t pee.  She was struggling and crying. I even had to offer her my boop to calm her down, while my maid sat on the floor waiting to catch her pee with the specimen bottle. After more than an hour and a specimen bottle with only about 1/2 a teaspoon of pee, I told my maid to stop waiting as baby wasn’t cooperating.  I also told my maid to throw the very little pee collected as it may be contaminated (in room temperature for over an hour and I think I spilled a little drinking water into the bottle).   I then cleaned baby’s down under with some cotton and saline and stuck a urine specimen bag onto it. Within 5 minutes, she peed in the bag.  I quickly asked my maid to hold baby in an upright standing position (so that the pee would not leak out from the specimen bag) and I hurriedly and carefully removed the specimen bag (which made baby yell out in pain when the bag was zapped off)…. and poured the precious pee into a fresh sterile specimen bottle. Next, I placed the bottle of pee in 2 layers of plastic bag and placed it in the fridge. Then, called the hubs to hurry home to send the pee to the hospital. Haih… my baby is always playing tricks on me. When I don’t need her to pee, she would always pee on me and on my bed…. and when I desperately want her to pee, she just won’t cooperate.

The urine FEME results showed that the WBC in her pee is 5-10 (which is insignificant) and there’s 1+ bacteria. I sent a text message to my surgeon to inform him. He replied and said that WBC of 5-10 is not a UTI…. he said that having a few bacteria in the pee after a bladder surgery is not uncommon and he will not treat baby as she’s well. I am praying hard that the few bacteria that’s lingering in the urinaray tract can be flushed out completely in a day or two, just like what had happened in the past…. without any treatment needed. Anyway, baby’s purging is slightly better today. As of now today, she has only poo pooed once and I hope the purging will stop coz in my baby’s case, no purging = no bacteria.

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