Category Archive: Kidney Reflux

Update On Baby’s Kidney Reflux

My maid and I spent our entire morning at the hospital today.  First we brought Baby C to the Imaging Department for an ultrasound scan of her kidneys and urinary tract.  While waiting for our turn, I quickly fed Baby C some freshly squeezed orange juice, cactus juice and probiotics which I’d put in a bottle.  After the ultrasound scan (which Baby C struggled and bawled till she almost puked), off we went to the procedures room to have her pee collected.  Spent around half an hour collecting her pee.  Next, my maid and I brought Baby C’s pee to the lab for the test to be done.  We then went back to the Imaging Dept. to collect the ultrasound scan report.  After all the running about up and down the hospital, we had to wait another half an hour to see the pediatric nephrologist. 

The ultrasound scan showed that Baby C indeed has a duplicated or duplex system on the right side of her kidney.  She has 2 ureters instead of one and one of the ureters is lying too lowly to the bladder.  Our doctor suggested that an IVP and another MCUG (the first MCUG was performed at HUKM about half a year ago) to be carried out to see if the ureters are blocked and to see what’s going on in her kidneys and urinary tract system. The 2 procedures have been scheduled to be carried out for Monday next week.   If there are blockages, a surgery has to be performed.  Baby C would have to be sedated before the 2 procedures are being carried out.  This will be the first time that my baby would have to be sedated and I’m really worried…. worried that the sedation meds will have little or no effect on her and that she will not go to sleep or will wake up in the midst of the procedure…. and bawl big time till she pukes.  One time, when our doctor was trying to insert a catheter into her uretra to collect her pee, she was so traumatized that she cried till she puked everywhere in the procedures room.  Am also worried that the sedation meds will be too strong on Baby C, so much that she won’t wake up!  Looks like I’ll have more things to worry about in the days and months to come.  This is only the tip of the iceberg.  I’m praying that all these will come to an end by this year.

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Updates On Baby C’s Kidney Reflux

We were at our pediatric nephrologist’s clinic today.  The urine culture report for the urine culture done on Friday last week was out today.  The bacteria this time is Klabsiella, which our doctor said comes from stools most of the time.  Both our doctor and I were stumped that the bacteria has changed from E.Coli to Klabsiella in just 4 days.  Just last Monday, the urine culture test showed that there’s E.Coli bacteria in Baby C’s urine.  Now, it has changed to Klabsiella. 

The readings in Baby C’s urine, (urine culture done on Monday last week) showed that the WBC is less than 10 but the colony count reading of the E.Coli bacteria is >100,000, which is significant.  The reading is quite conflicting coz if the WBC is low, the colony count shouldn’t be significant.

The readings in the urine, (urine culture done on Friday last week) showed that the WBC is 16 but the colony count reading of the Klabsiella bacteria is only <10,000, which is insignificant.  The results are quite conflicting and we have some doubts on the accuracy of the test done by the lab at the hospital near where we stay.  Our doctor does not want to over treat Baby C nor treat her wrongly looking at the 2 urine culture reports that do not seem to jive.  So she has asked that I stop feeding antibiotics (Bactrim) to Baby C for 5 days starting from tonight.  On Saturday, we will collect her urine again for another urine culture to see what bacteria is in her urine this time…. haiz….!

We were supposed to bring Baby C for an ultrasound scan today but the queue was horrendously long, so we will postpone it to Saturday.  I am praying that the scan this time confirms that there is NO duplex system in Baby C’s urinary tract system.  If indeed there is a duplex system, then surgery is the most likely option.

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Another Ultrasound Scan Tomorrow

When we brought Baby C for an ultrasound scan 2 months ago, the radiologist saw something that looked like a Duplex system on Baby C’s right urinary tract system.  From what I understand, a Duplex system means a double ureter.  On Friday when we were at our pediatric nephrologist’s clinic, our doctor suggested another ultrasound scan to reconfirm the previous ultrasound scan.  If it’s true that she has a Duplex or Duplicated collecting system, Baby C will require a surgery to fix her urinary tract system.  I am mentally and physically prepared for Baby C to go for a surgery to safe her kidneys from being scarred.  What I fear the most now is that Baby C will suffer from bladder spasms after the surgery.  I read that bladder spasms cause excruciating pain and I am hoping that Baby C doesn’t have to go through much pain after the surgery.

BTW, if you have a child who has VUR or Kidney Reflux, you may want to check out this wonderful blog written by a wonderful mum whose daughter has Kidney Reflux.

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Update On Baby C’s Urine

I sent Baby C’s pee to the hospital for another urine FEME and C&S test today.  It’s the second urine test done in a week.  The urine test has to be carried out this time to see if the bacteria is still in her urine, after being treated with a new oral antibiotics (Bactrim) for twice a day for 6 days.   It took me almost 45 minutes to collect her pee today.  I managed to stop her from struggling with an empty vitamin bottle.   Baby C found the empty vitamin bottle amusing and thought it was her new teething ring!

For more than half an hour, her pee just dribbled out drop by drop.  According to our nephrologist, babies with kidney reflux tend to have this dribbling issue.  When my maid walked away to answer the telephone, she gave me a pee fountain instantly!  Luckily I managed to quickly place the specimen bottle at the right position and collected quite an amount of pee, though my hands and the floor were all wet with her pee.  Boy was I glad to see soooo much pee in the bottle!

Anyway, the WBCs in her pee this time dropped from above 20 to only 3-6.  RBCs and protein showed a negative reading.   The sensitivity report last week showed that the E. Coli bacteria is resistant to Bactrim (which is the new antibiotics that she’s taking orally now) but I am glad that though it’s resistant, her body managed to fight off the bacteria. I hope Baby C’s immune system will grow stronger each day to fight off all the bacteria, without getting another UTI attack.

Next up….. Rosken Dry Skin Relief For Baby C’s eczema

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No More Foul Smelling Pee

After feeding Baby C with a new antibiotics yesterday, her pee doesn’t smell foul anymore today.  She has also stopped purging and her labia is not red and sore anymore. Well, it’s actually not a new antibiotics for baby coz she had taken this antibiotics previously.  For Baby C’s case, since she gets bacteria in her pee so often (and different bacteria most of the time), our pediatric nephrologist has to keep changing her antibiotics every month, or whenever she’s attacked by a new bacteria. She has been on 4-5 types of antibiotics and our doctors have to keep changing them almost every month, depending on the situation.  I really hope and pray that the bacteria will all be flushed out from her body this time without the need for antibiotics drips or jabs.  It’s going to be super traumatic for baby and me if she has to be on drips or jabs every month. 

Since yesterday, Baby C has to eat antibiotics twice a day, 2ml each feeding.  Thank God the new antibiotics taste good, in fact it tastes very much like strawberry yoghurt drink and Baby C did not reject it.  Switching a new antibiotics for Baby C is another nightmare for me coz most times, she will reject the antibiotics and feeding her the meds is a long battle for me everyday.

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Another UTI

It’s a monthly affair. I think Baby C has another UTI.  The urine FEME test today showed that there are WBC (white blood cells) and RBC (red blood cells) in the urine, which suggest bacteria in the urine.  Once the urine C&S report is out in 3 days’ time, we will know what bacteria is in the urine and our doctors can then treat Baby C.  Oh God, why why why is this happening so frequently?  I am just praying that whatever treatment is given to Baby C (antibiotics drips or antibiotics jabs), God will remove all her pain and fears. 

I just knew Baby C would get another UTI.  I am just so used to all the initial classic symptoms from the purging to the sore labia, the yellowish discharge and the foul smelling discharge or pee. 

I just wonder why aren’t all the health supplements helping Baby C’s body fight off all the bacteria?  The expensive cactus juice, the expensive herbal yeast supplement and the probiotics.  If that’s the case, I might as well just stop feeding her all these supplements which is just soooooo stressful and traumatic for Baby C and me.  There is not a single month since Baby C was 2 months old that she wasn’t spared from UTI or bacteria in her pee.  I am really mentally prepared for Baby C to go for a surgery to fix the Kidney Reflux but hubby is quite opposed to the idea as he says Baby C is too young.  He wants Baby C to be at least over a year old….. but I don’t think I can handle the stress for this long.   Sigh…..

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False Alarm

About 3 days ago, during one of my soiled diaper sniffing sessions, I thought Baby C’s soiled diaper smelled a tad foul and looked a tad yellowish too.  My heart began to thump and I was really very very troubled.  The next morning, my dad brought me to Pantai Putri Hospital to see a pediatrician.    I consulted a female doctor there and she’s one of the friendliest, most helpful, patient and kind pediatrician I have ever seen.  She even gave me her handphone number, something which most doctors won’t do.  I had consulted this doctor the day before on Friday to get antibiotics for Baby C.  It was my first time seeing this doctor.

This doctor talked to me for almost half an hour in her office and did not even charge me for consultation fee!  That was the second time she didn’t charge me.  The day before when I consulted her to get antibiotics for Baby C, she also did not charge me a single sen for consultation.  That was because I had earlier talked with her over the phone (also a lengthy conversation) and I told her that I didn’t have to see her anymore when I reached the hospital but she insisted on seeing me.  

Anyway, after the consultation, she gave me a few sterile specimen bottles.  That was on Saturday and I did not send Baby C’s urine to be tested immediately coz there would be an extra charge of RM35 if her pee was tested after 1pm.  I decided to wait until today (Monday) since Baby C’s pee didn’t smell foul anymore when I got back from the hospital.  

This morning I collected her pee and thank God, it was easy and fast and she cooperated.  My mum then sent the pee to the hospital.  The doctor just called me to inform me that everything is A-OK…. no WBC, no RBC, no nitrate and no growth in the pee.  Yay, praise the Lord, praise the Lord a million times!  This news is greater than me striking a million bucks jackpot or lottery.   I just hope that Baby C’s pee will remain bacteria-free always.  

I tell you, I am really going nuts smelling Baby C’s soiled diaper the whole day.  I am even getting boils in my nostrils from sniffing all the germs!   I have been praying extra hard to God to heal Baby C and I hope He hears my pleas for his help before I go cuckoo lol!

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Treats To Go With Baby C’s Meds

Ever since Baby C developed a phobia of eating antibiotics after her recent hospitalization for her 3rd attack of UTI, she will scream, struggle and bawl big time till she puked almost every time she’s fed with her daily antibiotics. I’ve tried everything to lessen her phobia by giving her biscuits, baby carrots, yoghurt and last week, I got her some

Haegan Dazs ice cream and Calci Yum,

Heinz yoghurt and strawberry dessert and Heinz pear juice.

The outcome?  She rejected almost everything except the pear juice, which is quite tasteless and is sugar free.

In the end, I used the Heinz yoghurt and strawberry as bread spread for my 2 older gals, which they liked. 

I must try and find a way to make Baby C’s daily antibiotics feeding less stressful and traumatic for her and for me.  I am really burnt out and I almost wanted to cry last night when she kept crying and coughing the meds out and splatter the meds all over my face, clothes, couch and floor.  This has been my daily battle for the past 6 months.  Everyday, I ask myself when this will come to an end.  Sigh…..

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Feeding Baby C Antibiotics

The recent antibiotics that the doctor prescribed to Baby C has been the worst by far. It didn’t smell that horrid but it was bitter and left a bad sensation in the mouth. I tasted a little and even I felt like puking. No wonder poor Baby C kept puking each time she was forced fed with the antibiotics. Poor baby, I really hope she doesn’t have to eat antibiotics anymore, ever. Even her appetite has decreased, must be the side effects of the darn antibiotics.

Baby C used to love grape juice and grapes bits. I used to cut up the grapes into small bits and then squash them to get the juice.

Black grapes and plum juice.

Recently, I used grape and plum juice as treats for her to go with her antibiotics.  I would put drop by drop of the antibiotics on a teaspoon of grape and plum juice but Baby C would still puke later.  The aftertaste  was so bad that it wrecked havoc inside her mouth and little tummy. 

For the past 1 week, she puked everyday, sometimes twice a day, whenever she was fed the horrid tasting antibiotics. I really dare not check her weight now.  Her weight had recently gone down by 200gms and with all these puking, it must have dropped further.

Before the hospitalization, Baby C loved her cereals. Eversince she was on the horrid tasting antibiotics, she hated her cereals. In fact, she hates everything that is being fed to her using a spoon. My poor baby has now developed a phobia of anything fed to her using a spoon.

Yesterday, our pediatric nephrologist changed her antibiotics. Thankfully she did not puke but she still struggled and cried when it was force fed to her. Sigh…. poor baby, poor baby. Praying hard that all these will end soon.

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Antibiotics Changed… hopefully no more puking

Poor Baby C puked again last night when I fed her the antibiotics. I managed to force it all down her throat with some yoghurt and freshly squeezed grape juice. As a treat, I gave her some squashed black grape bits to chew on. Seconds later, she puked! I was absolutely frustrated coz my maid and I had spent more than half an hour to feed her the meds and we had to spend another half an hour feeding her the antibiotics all over again. I almost wanted to cry.

This morning I called up the pediatric nephrologist and asked her for another antibiotics that tastes sweeter. Hubby collected it in the morning. Just now, I went to the mini market and stocked up some Heinz pear juice, Heinz yoghurt and strawberry dessert, some rusks, some Calci-Yum and a tub of Haegan Daz ice-cream. Just in case Baby C pukes again tonight I have all sorts of treats to go with her meds. Our doctor also suggested giving her some jams to go with the meds. Keeping my fingers crossed that Baby C would not reject the new antibiotics tonight.

Baby C woke up from her nap the other day with one side of her cheek looking like a wafer! She had slept on her tummy on her blanket with lines.  

Notice the rash on her cheeks?  That’s caused by the cereal and milk.  I think she has an allergy to cow’s milk.  I have just bought her a tin of Isomil.  Hopefully the rash will subside with her Enfalac A+ being replaced by Isomil.  I mix her cereal with a teaspoon of infant formula twice a day.  Other than that, she’s still fully on breastmilk.  I really hope her weight will go up.  I know it’s hard coz her appetite is really poor after the recent hospitalization stay.  With the daily puking during meds feeding time, it’s a tad difficult for her weight to go up.  Sigh…. why does she have so many problems?

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