My maid and I spent our entire morning at the hospital today. First we brought Baby C to the Imaging Department for an ultrasound scan of her kidneys and urinary tract. While waiting for our turn, I quickly fed Baby C some freshly squeezed orange juice, cactus juice and probiotics which I’d put in a bottle. After the ultrasound scan (which Baby C struggled and bawled till she almost puked), off we went to the procedures room to have her pee collected. Spent around half an hour collecting her pee. Next, my maid and I brought Baby C’s pee to the lab for the test to be done. We then went back to the Imaging Dept. to collect the ultrasound scan report. After all the running about up and down the hospital, we had to wait another half an hour to see the pediatric nephrologist.
The ultrasound scan showed that Baby C indeed has a duplicated or duplex system on the right side of her kidney. She has 2 ureters instead of one and one of the ureters is lying too lowly to the bladder. Our doctor suggested that an IVP and another MCUG (the first MCUG was performed at HUKM about half a year ago) to be carried out to see if the ureters are blocked and to see what’s going on in her kidneys and urinary tract system. The 2 procedures have been scheduled to be carried out for Monday next week. If there are blockages, a surgery has to be performed. Baby C would have to be sedated before the 2 procedures are being carried out. This will be the first time that my baby would have to be sedated and I’m really worried…. worried that the sedation meds will have little or no effect on her and that she will not go to sleep or will wake up in the midst of the procedure…. and bawl big time till she pukes. One time, when our doctor was trying to insert a catheter into her uretra to collect her pee, she was so traumatized that she cried till she puked everywhere in the procedures room. Am also worried that the sedation meds will be too strong on Baby C, so much that she won’t wake up! Looks like I’ll have more things to worry about in the days and months to come. This is only the tip of the iceberg. I’m praying that all these will come to an end by this year.