My erstwhile boss was a chain cigar smoker. Each time he smoked his Black and Mild cigars, everyone in the office would know that he had stepped into the office and would be in their best behaviour! The air purifier didn’t help much either. When I was pregnant with Alycia and then Sherilyn, I tried to avoid going into his room. Now he’s gone. He was a very talented and smart fellow, too bad he succumbed to the big C.
Category Archive: Uncategorized
A Nursing Career
Before Baby C, my 3rd daughter was born, I told myself that I would never ever want any of my kids to land themselves a job as a nurse. However, my point of view all changed ever since Baby C was diagnosed with Kidney Reflux when she was an infant. She was in and out of the hospital for the first 14 months of her life and the hospitals were like our second home. During my 3-week stay with her at the hospital after her 2 surgeries last year, my perspective of a nursing career changed 360 degrees.
During our stay in the hospital after Baby C’s Ureteral Reimplantation surgery, followed by another abdomen surgery due to complication from the first surgery, the nurses at the hospital made us feel at home. They were helpful, compassionate and friendly. When we finally had to leave the hospital, I felt very heavy hearted when it was time to say good-bye to the nurses who were with us for 3 weeks. If ever my daughters want to attend a Certified Nursing Assistant training or CNA training in future, I will give them my full blessings.
Eat Everything You Want And Stay Slim If You Exercise
Many people are amazed that despite having a hubby who is a food caterer (which naturally suggests that I am surrounded by lots of good food all the time), I can still stay slim. I love food very much too and I often succumb to the temptations surrounding me. But with a daily exercise regimen (which requires lots of discipline), I don’t need apidexin to stay trim. I really think that anyone can eat anything that they want IF they exercise and control the food portions.
Importance of Exercise
When my movement was limited recently due to a badly sprained back, I could not exercise for 4 days! 4 days of being sedentary was a shock to my body. I suffered from constipation for 2 days (which hardly ever happens) and I gained 1 pound in 4 days. I was really upset that I could not run in the morning and was even more upset to see the red needle on the bathroom scale move towards the right. Having constipation was terrible. I felt bloated and I hated to feel fat. Thankfully my hubs’ OTO Hans equipment cured my back and I could exercise again on the 5th day. It felt so good to be able to exercise again and feel light again. I don’t need to read lipofuze reviews or take any weight loss pills to lose weight. The weight I gained was lost after I started exercising again. I cannot tell you enough how beneficial it is to exercise.
All I Want Now Is My Bed!
It’s close to midnight now and I can barely open my eyes. My brain is fogged and all I want now is my BED! But I can’t go to bed just yet. As usual, I have loads of unfinished work. I have several invoices to churn out and send out, orders to send to my suppliers and even a clinicalliex review to write. I think I need a cup of extra strong coffee right now to keep my eyes opened!
Bad Morning
Last night, I had planned to wake up at 5am to complete my never-ending pile of home. I got up at 5:30am today feeling fresh and raring to quickly complete some of the work, including a write-up on rv for sale BUT as usual, my plan is always thwarted. Baby also woke up at 5:30am and I could not do anything with her pestering me for my boops!! Check out my other blog to find out what happened to Baby later in the morning. It’s a nightmare every mother fears and it came alive for me!
Green Shopping
Did you ever realize that when you do your shopping online, you actually consume less energy and this reduces carbon dioxide emissions by as much as 35 percent compared to shopping at traditional retail stores? Ever since Baby #3 came along, I have not had much time to do things that I used to love, much less go shopping at shopping malls. I have been doing a lot of green shopping via the internet and am now hooked on it!
Everyday Is A Working Day For Me
I was wondering why the roads are so quiet and the usually packed road-side food stalls so devoid of people this morning. When I jogged back to my condo, the corridor at our condo was eerily quiet too. Just a moment ago, I called the national courier company but no one picked up my phone. Is it a public holiday today? I checked my calendar and yes, it is indeed a public holiday today. Ever since I became a SAHM, I never bothered to mark my calendars with all the public holidays. Everyday is a working day for me 🙁 I have a noxycut review to write plus a few other online assignments today. I dare not check my eCalendar as the reminders for me to complete my tasks are just too many, so many I don’t know where to start!
Junk Food From Pre-School
Rascal #2 came home from pre-school with a birthday party pack from one of her classmates the other day. Most of the items were junkies, which included chocolates wrapped in wrappers that resemble gold coins and silver coins. I remember during my childhood days, these gold coin and gold bullion look-alike chocolates and candies were a hit with kids. But my dad would go ballistic whenever he found out that I bought them from the school canteen. Now, I would go ballistic if I see my girls munching on these junkies!
Gorging On Chocolate Cake
My hubs brought home some homemade chocolate cake on Saturday. Gosh, the chocolate cake was so moist, so rich, so delish and so fattening! Lately, I tend to go weak and will fall for chocolate cakes. I have been gorging on a slice or two for 3 days and I now feel fat!! I stepped on the scale yesterday and the needle moved to the right! There are still 3 more slices of cake and I better give them all to my helper. I don’t want to pop the best weight loss pills soon.