Category Archive: Uncategorized

Sucker For Ice-Creams

Lately I am a sucker for ice-creams, especially Magnum Almond! I would crave for it after lunch everyday. I used to gorge on ice-creams very often but have since kicked off the addiction. But lately, the addiction is back! But no way am I going to chomp down the whole Magnum ice-cream all by myself. I don’t want to resort to nuphedragen after a month of indulging in ice-creams. So my kids are the beneficiaries of my ice-creams and they gladly share them with me. This way, my crave for Magnum is satiated (albeit just a few bites), I don’t have to feel guilty for the rest of the day for chomping down the whole Magnum all by myself and I don’t gain any weight too!

Baby with a Magnum in her hand, which she shared with me.  She is another ice-cream crazed fan, just like mummy and her 2 jie jies!

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Meal Replacement Drinks Not For Me

After delivering Sherilyn my #2, I found it hard to shed the last 2 kilos. For a few months, I drank a kind of flavored protein powder in the morning. That was supposed to be a meal replacement drink and works something like the best weight loss products but that did not help me much in shedding the extra kilos. It was through exercise that I finally ditched the last few kilos. I love food too much and can never skip my meals and just survive on meal replacement drinks. I still find that exercising and eating lesser portions work really well for me. This way I can still eat everything that I love.

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Mental Health Counselor Services

Whenever my 3 kids drive me up the wall to the point that I feel like throwing in the towel, I stop for a moment, take a deep breath and reminisce what I had gone through years ago. 9 years ago, I told God that if only he could give me one child, I will be forever grateful to Him. 9 years ago, the thought of cuddling my very own baby in my arms seemed terribly remote. Every month on end, I was in tears when I had my menses. Both my hubby and I had problems, which made it doubly difficult for us to have a baby. It was a double whammy. The first fertility specialist whom we consulted was childless herself. I find her not compassionate and not understanding enough. A woman who is undergoing infertility treatment is very vulnerable in her emotions and she needs an understanding and compassionate doctor. We were even referred to a fertility counselor at the hospital. Gosh, that so-called female counselor was the coldest and meanest old maid I had ever met. The things she said and the manner she said them stabbed my heart like a hot BBQ skewer. I vouch never ever to see her again. Shame on her for calling herself a counselor.

In the U.S., couples undergoing infertility treatment can go for mental health counselor services at places like Couples who are trying hard to have a baby undergo tremendous stress, even in the most stable relationships. Therapy and counseling can help them sort through and process the emotions, so that the couple finds it more effective in communicating with each other. Sometimes the stress and emotional roller coaster faced by the couple are so overwhelming that either one of the couple suffers from depression or worse, they break the couple up. If you or anyone who is going through a similar rough patch in life now, seek counseling or therapy now. You can view them here.

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Walk-In Bath Tubs

Several months ago, my mum gave me a scare of my life. She told me that she had slipped on the wet bathroom floor and fell, landing on her back. God must have been watching over her as she didn’t break any bone, albeit the fall caused a huge patch of blue black bruise on her back. Anyone who saw the bruise would have thought that she was badly hurt. Women her age who have falls are extremely prone to breaking their brittle bones. One day I may buy my parents a walk-in bath tub. Have you seen those walk in tubs designed for the elderly and disabled? They reduce the risk of slipping and look really comfortable and relaxing to have your baths in there.

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Sales Job Just Not My Cuppa

Some of the jobs that I know I will never excel in are jobs in sales. I don’t really have a gift of gab and I don’t fancy traveling. I prefer a job that allows me to work at the comforts of my own home in my pjs! I like what I’m doing now – a stay-at-home mum who blogs for money and sells stuff online. I have the best of both worlds. But don’t you envy me. It’s a tough life for me and I have to make a zillion sacrifices, including my precious, beauty sleep.

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Well Deserving A Celebration Of Life

Baby C will be 2 years old tomorrow. My tough little cookie survived all the ordeals that happened to her during the past two years of her life. I pray to God that she never has to go through those unpleasant events again, ever. She really deserves a celebration of a brand new life tomorrow. Hubby has ordered a Barney cake for this hard core fan of Barney. I haven’t gotten her a birthday present yet as I have been pretty tied up with my online store lately. Perhaps I should get her a toy from an online shop, a Best Buy toy for my precious sweetie-pie.

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Turn Off The Air Conditioner Please

Our electricity bills for the past 3 months have been soaring high. This is usually the case during the hot season when the air conditioner will be turned on throughout the night in the girls’ room and ours. While hubby isn’t really complaining yet, I find that paying over RM400 a month just on electricity bill is throwing our budget off. I told the girls that very soon the air conditioner will be turned off after 2 hours once their room is sufficiently cooled. Thereafter the ceiling fan will be turned on. Air conditioners are really eating into our electricity bill. But we need to get the ceiling fan in the girls’ room fixed as it’s now not in proper working condition The ceiling fan is only slightly over a year and it’s already conking out. If it is irreparable, we may look for some Minka Aire fans to replace it.

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Ensure That You Are Insured

When we were at the specialist eye centre yesterday for Baby’s eye surgery to remove the pus from a Chalazion on her lower eyelid, there were many patients there who had undergone a lazer surgery to fix their Cataract problem. A lazer surgery to fix a Cataract costs between RM3,000 – RM4,000. I wonder if those patients had a medical insurance to cover the cost of the lazer eye surgery. I think it is essential that everyone has a medical insurance and life insurance to protect oneself against the unforeseen. If you haven’t already had one, it’s high time you obtain life insurance rate and medical rate from some insurers.

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Our Insurance Claims

Last week, the hubs submitted our claims to the insurer for Baby’s hospitalization stay for a urinary tract infection incurred in January 2010. I hope that this time the insurer will approve our claims. Since Baby’s kidney reflux problem is already fixed, the UTI that she had recently should not be classified as congenital. Anything that is non-congenital should be claimable. I hope the good Lord will help us get this claim approved as it’s a big amount at over RM2k. We have already given up hope on our claims for Baby’s 2 surgeries in May last year amounting to over RM50k. The hubs will be switching insurance agent as our current insurance agent isn’t doing much to help us with all these claims. He cannot even give us an accurate term life insurance quote.

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Under Utilized Gym

I almost bought a treadmill a few years ago but the hubs prevented me from doing so. His reasoning was that there ain’t much space in the house to place the bulky treadmill. Fortunately I listened to him because we soon moved to a condominium that has a gym. The gym at our condo has a good range of fitness equipment that were newly purchased. The irony is that I don’t work out in the gym very often. I still prefer to run in the open and breathe in fresh air.

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